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FTC Robotics Code Samples for Hood River Valley High School

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  • status: Release
  • version: 0.90 - All the basic programming principles for traction wheel and mecanum wheel tractions are here.
  • TODO: The final versions are all in the android programming directory (ftc-app). traction wheel implementation has not been back-ported to blocks and on-bot-java (we will get to that).

These are some FTC robotics code samples for mentoring FTC teams at Hood River Valley High School (HRVHS). The majority of our teams are programming in blocks, some in on-bot-java. Java in android-studio is generally beyond reach. However, samples here will be in all three for completeness and to make comparison easy.

Drive or Traction Implementation

At HRVHS we generally start with the construction of a robot base (a simple squarebot - 4 traction tire; 12" to 18" square base) that can be programmed and driven around before we start customizing for the specific competition. We call the drive base the traction for the robot. The traction requires a physical implementation (frame, motors, wheels), a controller configuration (specifies how physical stuff connects to the REV controller), and software implementation of move functions that can be used to drive the robot and build the autonomous program. This project is all about the software implementation for driver control and move functions.

This software addresses these physical tractions from most simple to most complex:

  • traction tires: 4 traction tires with a fixed tread - this is the squarebot. Left side and right side may each be driven by a single motor or there may be one motor per wheel. Motion supported by this implementation is forward-backward and rotation. The center for rotation is the centroid of the drive wheels.
  • traction plus omni: 2 traction tires, 2 omni tires. The omni tires may be either front or back. Omni tires reduce friction when turning, and move the center of rotation between the traction tires. The omni wheels have rollers mounted around their circumference that are coaxial with the plane of the wheel.
  • all omni: 4 omni wheels. When mounted at 45° to the front of the robot they support forward-backward, rotation, and sideways motion.
  • mecanum: similar to omni, except the rollers are at 45 degrees to the axis of the wheels, so the wheels are all facing forward. Supports forward-backward, rotation, and sideways motion.
  • other: TODO: elaborate

One secret to having a robot that performs well in competition is making it easy to drive for the tasks of the competition, and easy to reliably program the autonomous operation of the robot.

General Programming Notes

The objective of these examples is to abstract the operation of the traction to several simple methods supporting different drive paradigms, and several simple methods that can be used for building the autonomous OpMode; all described later in this section.


This repository is organized into 3 main areas:

  • blocks - Contains the blocks code downloaded from the blocks programming environment, which can be uploaded to your blocks programming environment. There is (or will be) a blocks program for each of the traction types. It handles the functions of the test program described in the on_bot_java section below. The blocks program will have a name like traction_drive_example.blk where traction is the type of traction, i.e. the blocks program for mecanum wheels will have a name like mecanum_drive_example.blk

  • on_bot_java/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/ - The Java code downloaded from the OnBotJava programming environment, which can be uploaded to your OnBotJava programming environment. For each traction, there will be 2 programs that come directly from the blocks program:

    • - The blocks file as it was automatically translated to Java by the blocks programming environment with minor problems (usually variable types) fixed.
    • - A cleanup of to follow better Java programming practices and organize/simplify the code.

    There will be a more 'Java consistent' implementation that pulls the common drive functionality into a base class with traction-specific test and autonomous implementations as extensions to that base:

    • - a base class for the traction. You can build your autonomous and/or driver control programs on top of the drive base, and if you need to make changes in how your traction is implemented, then all of your autonomous and/or driver control programs will inherit those.
    • - Implements a number of different driver control paradigms to help you in determining which is the best match for your competition and driver. Implements buttons that run autonomous move and rotate functions to help you calibrate and tune the variables that control your traction.
    • - A simple autonomous program that should move your robot along the same path regardless of the traction you use.
  • ftc_app/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/ - focuses on demonstrating how you can make the drive a component using an interface. NOTE: any of this code can also be uploaded to your OnBotJava programming environment.

    We find this approach more flexible than building a drive base class as we can load the component implementing the interface, and really focus on what we expect a traction to do without considering any specific physical traction implementation. It lets us easily switch or improve components without compromising our successful autonomous or driver control programs. This is especially useful if we have multiple robots (both a prototype and a competition robot) and we want to work on and test competition programming using either robot. The key here is that we define an interface to the drive, and a class implementing that interface for any physical drive (a traction component for that drive). In the competition or test programs we simply load the traction component corresponding to the physical base, and the robot should do the same thing regardless of the physical base.

    • - The interface for a traction component. This is abstracted from the on_bot_java to be minimalist. The few methods in the interface include: initialize() and postStartInitialize() for traction initialization; supportsSideways() and getAutoTurnRate() for capability; setSpeeds() and setTankSpeeds() for setting motor speeds in ether driver or autonomous control; and move() and rotate() and autonomous traction operations.
    • - A base implementation that has the acceleration-deceleration ramp method, and default implementations of supportsSideways() and move() for a simple traction that supports forward-backward motion and not sideways.

    There are test and autonomous programs that can be run using any of the implementations as the traction is loaded at initialization (a one line change). Loading all currently supported ITraction implementations are included in commented code. These are the universal programs for exercising ITraction implementations:

    • TractionTest - Implements a number of different driver control paradigms to help you in determining which is the best match for your competition and driver. Implements buttons that run autonomous move and rotate functions to help you calibrate and tune the variables that control your traction.
    • TractionAuto - A simple autonomous program that should move your robot along the same path regardless of the traction you use.

The control mode paradigm

Most simple programming examples use tank mode where the right and left stick Y are directly mapped to the left and right motor speeds. This is by far the easiest to program, but it is not an intuitive interface unless you have experience with tracked heavy equipment like tanks, bulldozers, etc. The most intuitive for the driver is often a mode that most closely mimics the driver's favorite games or vehicles.

These are the control modes demonstrated in this code:

  • tank: left stick controlling speed of left tires, right stick controlling speed of right tires. Tank is the most simple type to program, but is challenging to control. Simple things like straight forward motion is difficult at slow speeds.
  • airplane (or arcade) right/left where multiple move directions, i.e. forward-backward and either sideways or rotate are on the same stick.
  • auto right/left: where 1 stick-x controls direction (like the steering wheel of a car), and some other control (the stick-y, or a trigger), controls speed (like an accelerator pedal).

Using the Sample Drive Program

In all of the example programs there is a test drive program with these controls:

  • B button: changes the drive mode. The modes are tank, airplane right, airplane left, auto right, and auto lef. See earlier notes for details.
  • X button: terminates the program. You and your team are encouraged to try all of the drive modes and add additional ones for testing before you settle on the specific drive mode(s) you will use for your robot.
  • Y button: The robot moves in a square cocked 30 degrees clockwise.
  • right bumper: applies a bumper_speed multiplier to the stick values for fine control. You are encouraged to try different bumper speeds to find one that best helps you control the robot when you need fine control.
  • dpad: the datapad runs autonomous move operations:
    • up-down: the robot moves forward-backward the calibration_distance;
    • right-left: the robot moves sideways (right or left) the calibration_distance;
    • right-left with the left bumper pressed: the robot rotates 90° clockwise or counter-clockwise.

Controlling Sensitivity

We have often seen robots getting to about the right place in seconds, and then taking 10's of seconds fumbling around because they have extended an arm and need to move it left an inch, but any turn moves the arm 6" so a dozen moves are required before the arm fortunately stops in the right place.Robots need to get somewhere on the playing field quickly. Then they need to do something, often with precision.

The problem has 2 primary causes:

  • The control sticks are designed for twitch games - fast extreme motion is more important than fine control and the joysticks are very sensitive, i.e. there is very little distance between 0 and full speed when you move the stick.
  • Loop speeds - the time between when you make a command and when the robot responds is potentially long and is highly variable (i.e. the drive program is a loop and there is a lag between when the driver takes an action and the program/robot responds to the action because of loop time), which results in over-control. Specifically, the driver asks for small motion, does not see immediate response, and then asks for more motion, and by the time the robot responds, the user is asking for extreme movement and the robot responds with more extreme motion than desired.

We have tried different functions like controller position squared or cubed to try to get more sensitivity around 0, and have concluded that it is the long loop time that causes the majority of fine control problems. The only reasonable solution we have found is a fine control mode that limits the maximum speed sent to the motors to something that achieves moves the robot slowly, and training drivers to use it when they need fine control - see right bumper in the previous section.

Traction Wheels Only

Theses are programming notes for the simple SquareBot described earlier. For this exercise we built a small SquareBot using REV motors and traction wheels.

SquareBot-specific programs are :

  • blocks/squarebot_drive_example.blk (not yet back ported)
  • on_bot_java/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/
    • (not yet back ported)
    • (not yet back ported)
    • - a base class for the SquareBot , (not yet back ported).
  • ftc_app/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/
    • TractionBase extensions:
      • - The implementation for the SquareBot using encoders and motor speed.
      • An extension to adding a PID loop maintain heading. NOTE: this demonstrates how you can improve the simple implementation without breaking working code. You can always use the working implementation while you are writing, testing, tuning the PID loop.

Traction plus Omni Wheels

To be completed spring 2019

Omni Wheels Only

To be completed spring 2019

Mecanum Wheels

With mecanum wheels we have found that the motion of the robot changes when the balance of the robot changes. For example, if the robot is very front heavy it will tend to rotate clockwise when moving right and counterclockwise when moving left. Also, if the wheel mounting is not rigid (wheel axles supported on both ends), this will affect movement. The robot will also be easier to displace (move or rotate) if struck by other robots than a robot with traction wheels. The physical implementation this code was written for uses these mecanum wheels driven by Rev core hex motors.

Mecanum-specific programs are:

  • blocks/mecanum_drive_example.blk
  • on_bot_java/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/:
    • - a base for the mecanum wheels
  • ftc_app/java/org/firstinspires/ftc/teamcode/
    • extensions:
      • - The implementation for the mecanum physical traction using encoders and motor speed;
      • - An extension to adding a PID loop maintain heading.


FTC Robotics Code Samples for Hood River Valley High School






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