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HTTP Security Headers

Nils Neumann edited this page Dec 7, 2018 · 3 revisions

Node RASP intercepts each HTTP response from the server. For each response specific security-related HTTP headers are set automatically, based on the content type of the body and personal preferences. This ensures a safe client-server communication.


The security headers are added to every request by default. If you want to change the default settings you can either set an environment variable, add a variable to your package.json or change the variable directly on the OutogingMessage prototype itself.

For instance, you can add the environment variable securityHeader like following:

 export SECURITYHEADER="{ \"addHeaders\": true,
  { \"x-powered-by\": true,
    \"expect-ct\": true,
    \"strict-transport-security\": true,
    \"referrer-policy\": true,
    \"x-dns-prefatch-control\": true,
    \"x-permitted-cross-domain-policies\": false,
    \"x-content-type-options\": true,
    \"content-security-policy\": false,
    \"x-download-options\": true,
    \"x-frame-options\": true,
    \"x-xss-protection\": true,
    \"feature-policy\": false,
    \"public-key-pins\": false,
    \"cache-control\": false

This option works for node.js without having to use npm. However, a variable defined in the package.json or directly on the OutgoingMessage prototype overwrite the options in an environment variable.

Your package.json for configuring the security headers looks like this:

{ "name": "application",
  { "addHeaders": true,
    { "x-powered-by": true,
      "expect-ct": true,
      "strict-transport-security": true,
      "referrer-policy": true,
      "x-dns-prefatch-control": true,
      "x-permitted-cross-domain-policies": false,
      "x-content-type-options": true,
      "content-security-policy": false,
      "x-download-options": true,
      "x-frame-options": true,
      "x-xss-protection": true,
      "feature-policy": false,
      "public-key-pins": false,
      "cache-control": false
  "scripts": { "start": "node index.js" }

One can either turn off the whole feature by setting the addHeaders variable or change the settings for specific headers. Run your server with npm start, otherwise the package.json won't be loaded.

You can also change the default options for the security header directly on the OutgoingMessage prototype. For instance, disabling all security headers would work like follows:

OutgoingMessage.prototype.setSecurityHeaders({ 'addHeaders': false });

Default Values

There are multiple security headers for HTTP communication. Some are useful for a broad variety of content types. Others are only applicable for HTML-based communication. In the following table, different security headers are listed. For each security header a short description is presented and its usage for different content types is shown. The presented configuration is a trade-off between compatibility and security.

Header Value Description All HTTP HTML
Expect-CT max-age=86400; enforce Browsers expects certificate transparency. X X
Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains Keep users on HTTPS. X X
Referrer-Policy same-origin Restrict referrer headers. X X
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff Prevents browsers from sniffing the content-type. X X
X-DNS-Prefatch-Control off Disable browsers’ DNS prefetching. X X
X-Powered-By delete Indicates what technology powers the server. X X
X-Download-Options noopen Prevent from executing downloads in site’s context. X
X-Frame-Options deny Prevents your webpage from being put in an iframe. X
X-XSS-Protection 1; mode=block Basic protection against XSS. X
X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies e.g. none Permission to handle data across domains.
Content-Security-Policy e.g. script-src 'self'; object-src 'self' Whitelist of things that are allowed on the webpage.
Feature-Policy e.g. vibrate 'none'; geolocation 'none' Deny the use of browser features.
Public-Key-Pins e.g. pin-sha256="klO23nT2ehFDXCfx 3eHTDRESMz3asj1muO+4aIdjiuY="; max-age=2592000; includeSubDomains Prevent person-in-the-middle attacks.
e.g. nocache Disables browser caching.
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