Distributed leaderboard using Redis Enterprise Actve-Active
Before running, set the following env variables like host, port, password and location:
export HOST=redis-19781.c1.us-east1-2.gce.cloud.redislabs.com
export PORT=19781
export LOCATION=Mumbai
export PASSWORD=eq71pQ1ewHOdLu1lBFL3haNEEWUvU3j8
Create separate instance templates for 2 regions (for Ubuntu 20.x): For instance: Beijing & Singapore OR Mumbai & Delhi Use following docker image: abhishekcoder/sample-leaderboard-app:latest The docker command to be used here: sudo docker run -p 80:5555 -e HOST=<HOST_URL_REGION1> -e PORT=<PORT_REGION1> -e PASSWORD=<PASSWORD_REGION1> -e LOCATION= abhishekcoder/sample-leaderboard-app:latest
Create respective instance groups for each of these instance templates (Beijing and Singapore)
Create Global LB (HTTP), required backend service and associate this backend service with above created instance-groups. Include both Beijing and Singapore instance groups
Goto browser and enter the LB IP address