Prepares a device for the installation of custom software.
Branch is intended to be installed on devices that will be remotely located and running custom software. Branch handles the following functions through an installation guide:
- Network connection wizard (wifi, ethernet, bluetooth)
- Install from GitHub or URL
In addition to providing basic functionality, Branch lays out and enforces best practices for headless devices.
During installation system packages are installed.
cd /opt/
git clone
The first step in the installation process is to connect the device to the network. The network connection wizard will guide the user through the process of connecting the device to the network.
If supported, the device enters AP mode and broadcasts a network that the user can connect to. The user is then navigated to an interface that prompts the user to connect to an existing network or enter a new network.
If a display is detected, the device will enter a GUI wizard that will guide the user through the process of connecting the device to the network.
Branch can be configured via the branch.json file in the root of the branch directory.
"program": {
"url": "",
"branch": "",
"name": "",
A new user is created that will auto login using lightdm
Create a desktop file branch.desktop under /usr/share/xsessions
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Branch GUI
Comment=Start application on boot
Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
Stem - This program that allows for branch programs to connect to. Branch - The program that is connected to the stem.