A robot that can travel through the terrains where wheeled mobility is hard. It uses motors to trace through a rope between destinations.
- The robot has a main power switch (big electrical switch). Switch it on.
- If the connections were correct, motor driver and Arduino LEDS will light up. Make sure the XBee is connected and lit.
- Plug XBee in your PC and open XCTU software for Serial communication.
- Wait for the yellow light on XBee to be lit then you are ready to go. Look in #Troubleshooting section if the light is not yellow.
- Once connected, send "m" for manual mode and "x" for autonomous mode.
- Pressing "s" stops the robot irrespective of the mode and sets the robot in manual mode.
- Controls -
a - Direction 1
d - Direction 2
- Yellow light is not lit -
- Get XBee closer to the robot. (Range problem)
- Check RX TX connections.
- Restart the robot.
- Plug in the XBee again in the PC.