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lets go - smaller, test the limits of how small v5 can go with L6 layers
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PicoCreator committed Aug 28, 2023
1 parent 5253330 commit fe597e3
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Showing 3 changed files with 1,140 additions and 0 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions notebook/experiment/rwkv-x-exp/v5-small-model/config-enwiki-4k.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
# lightning.pytorch==2.0.2
seed_everything: true
# Configure the number of GPU, avaliable on your machine
accelerator: gpu
devices: auto
num_nodes: 1

# Configure the deepspeed strategy,
strategy: deepspeed_stage_1

# Logger setting for wandb, if you want to enable wandb, uncomment the whole logger section
# ---
class_path: lightning.pytorch.loggers.WandbLogger
name: 'Enwiki foundation (train-ctx=4k)'
project: 'RWKV-X-Experiments'
tags: ['RWKV', 'RWKV-X']

# Checkpoint settings for the training process
class_path: lightning.pytorch.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint
# Configure this to the path you want to save your checkpoints to
# note that a subdir will be created with the name `epoch=x-step=y.ckpt`
# to convert a checkpoint to a model, you can use the
# `python3 <checkpoint path>` script,
# which will create a `rwkv_model.pth` in the checkpoint directory.
# Do not use the `` script as that will have export format issues
dirpath: ../checkpoint/small-enwiki-4k/
filename: null

# Save the top/last K checkpoints
save_top_k: 2
# Choose by the most recent checkpoints (time based)
monitor: 'step'
mode: max

# If enabled (true), save a copy of the latest checkpoint to 'last.ckpt'
# useful to simply checkpoint resume scripts, at a price of disk performance
save_last: true

# DO NOT set this as true, as the model weight exported will have format issues
# expert as checkpoint, and use the `` script to convert to model instead
save_weights_only: false

# How frequent you want to save a checkpoint for every step.
# This will happen for every X data sample, where X = every_n_train_steps * accumulate_grad_batches
# In general you will want to avoid putting a low number (expecially if accumulate_grad_batches <= 100)
# as the checkpoint process, will pause all the gpu training for some time, slowing down the overall process
# However you do not want to configure too high of a number, where you will lose too much progress if the training crashes
every_n_train_steps: 100
every_n_epochs: null
save_on_train_epoch_end: true
train_time_interval: null

# Other settings, you can probably leave alone
verbose: false
auto_insert_metric_name: true

## Training run parameter settings

# Generally what you want to configure is the maximum number of epochs
# If you leave it as -1, and it will keep going forever till interrupted
# Or set it as a number, and it will stop after that number of epochs
max_epochs: 1
min_epochs: null

# Number of datasamples to train for each step, a data sample is considered
# a "substep" in wandb logs, and a "step" is tracked as "trainer/global_step"
# This decides the number of datasample, to learn together from, before backproping
# any weight changes at the end of the batch.
# Recommended to be a big enough number (like 128/256) where it prevents the training
# loss from flucuating in the process. But not too big of a number where the increased
# GPU vRAM / offloaded RAM usage will cause the training to crash.
# You are also recommended to configure this to a large enough number to fully utilize
# your GPU processing time %, and avoid idle time for the GPU between batches
target_batch_size: 32

## Training model settings
# Model to start the finetune/training process from
load_model: ../model/V5-Base-1B5-Enwiki-4k.pth

# Context length to use for the training process
# the larger the number (and batch size) the larger the vram usage
# Note that if the datasample context length is larger then the ctx_len
# its training process would be split into ctx_len sized chunks.
# This allows the training of extreamly large context length (eg. 100k),
# without eating up too much vram by keeping the training context length
# to a resonable number sutible to the current GPU setup
ctx_len: 4096

# Learning rate of the training process
# ---
# Initia learning rate of the process
lr_init: 6e-4
# Final learning rate after the learning rate period
# learning rate will stay at final value from then onwards
# NOTE: lr_final / lr_period does not work with warmup_steps
# and will be ignored (or replaced) with the warmup_steps logic instead
lr_final: 4e-4
# Number of epoch to reduce the learning rate from lr_init to lr_final
# 1 means a single epoch (so lr would be lr_final from epoch 2 onwards)
# 0 means lr_final will apply immediately
# -1 means we take the current max_step / max_epoch as the period
lr_period: 1
# lr_period type if its set, defaults to epoch
lr_period_type: epoch

# We disable bptt / limit bptt_learning_range, to 1, to ensure high throughput within a multi-gpu setup.
# (by skipping some syncronization code). Additionally, as bptt learning should not be triggering
# anyway as the data sample should be within ctx size 99% of the time
bptt_learning: true
bptt_learning_range: -1

# dataset_path for the prebuilt dataset, using HF `load_from_disk()`
# Use this if you have built your own dataset and saved it with `save_to_disk()`
# with source left as null. Other wise configure this to a directory which the
# dataset will be built and tokenized by the huggingface dataset process.
data_path: ../datapath/enwiki_100k_16k/

# Other wise provide the source path, which is used as huggingface dataset path
# this will be used to populate the dataset_path
# Use either the following
# - hugging face dataset
# - Directory path to a directory containing dataset files
# - Path to a single dataset file
# - hugging face dataset mode (ie: text,csv,etc - use data_dir, to configure the path then)
# - null
# If source is disabled, all other params, except data_path, is ignored
source: "teven/enwiki_100k"
# source: text
# source: /home/ubuntu/RWKV-LM-LoRA/dataset-text/enwik8.txt

# Use data_dir, if you are using source=text/json/etc
# this should be relative to the trainer script path
source_data_dir: null

# After loading the dataset, split out test data used for validation,
# This process is skipped if the dataset includes a test split
# This process is skipped if set to zero
test_split: 0.005
test_split_shuffle: true

# Tokenizer to use, use either the inbuilt 'neox', or 'world' tokenizer
# If using a custom tokenizer, provide the tokenizer file path
# ---
tokenizer: neox

# Minimum / Maximum token size of the dataset to use
# useful for filtering out small noisy data samples from large datasets
# (eg. removal of small articles of less then 512 tokens from wikipedia)
# This is ignored, if set to -1
min_token_size: 1024
max_token_size: -1

# Rechunking of text dataset, this is done only when source is set as 'text'
# and will merge the various sentencees, into larger chunks up to the target size
# Defaults to 4096
# This is ignored, if source is not set as text
# This is ignored, if set to zero
# ---
text_rechunk_size: 4096

# Apply text rechunk to the dataset, even if its not a 'text' source
# This is done only after dataset filtering, and if source is not 'text'
# ---
text_rechunk_force: True

# Custom text column to use, useful for dataset with alternative training columns labels
# This is checked before multi column merging, default is null (disabled)
# eg: 'code'
# ---
# custom_text_key: 'code'

# Multi Column merging process, default setting is used to support and merge
# "instruction", "input", "output", datasets. To disable set multi_column_keys to []
# A minimum of 2 columns is required, with non empty data, for the merge to occur
# If no match is found, this will fallback to the default prompt/completion or text column,
# or throw an error if the default fallback is not found
# ---
# multi_column_keys: ['instruction', 'input', 'output']
# multi_column_prefix: ['Instruction:\n', 'Input:\n', 'Output:\n']
# multi_column_train_mask: [true, false, true]
# multi_column_seperator: '\n\n'

# If processing prompt/completion jsonl pairs, the prompt is masked by default
# use this flag to disable this default behaviour
# ---
# disable_prompt_mask: false

# Path to the current checkpoint to continue training from
# Enable this to the last checkpoint after the first run
# (if it crash and you want to resume)
# ckpt_path: ../checkpoint/V5-Base-1B5-enwiki/epoch=0-step=2500.ckpt
ckpt_path: null

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