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sidey79 edited this page Dec 18, 2020 · 9 revisions

Directory Structure

SIGNALDuino - Parent Directory


tests\ - This contains cmake projekt to run googletest unittests

src\ - Here are all sourcefiles placed to compile the project

  compile_config.h - here serval board specific settings are placed
  functions.h - common used functions are placed here and used in this project
  main.cpp - standard cpp file for compatibility with platformio
  main.h - standard header file for compatibility with platformio
  send.h - all send specific functions needed
  signalSTM.h - code which is specific for STM32 uC
  signalduino.h - code which is specific for ardunino Uc
  singalesp.h - code which is specific for ESP uC
  wifi-config.h - some wifimanager specific settings and functions

src_micro-api\libraries - This contains all libs needed for the project

  libA @ ef12c74 - Submodule which comes from another git repository 
  libC - local placed library 

src\arduino-ide\SIGNALDuino - All files from the project linked into this directory to compile the project via arduino-ide or arduino-cli.

 SIGNALDuino.ino  - Main Project file for [arduno-ide]( or  [arduino-cli](

Serial commands

The serial commands are documented on a sperate page.

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