backend-developer, responsible for the infrastructure middleware at the previous company
Skilled in Rust and Java, Beginner's level in C and ASM.
I built some projects in Rust:
- rush-png a command line program that lets user hide secret messages in PNG files (2022)
- rush-passwd a high performance password finder for zip encryption algorithm (2022)
- rustudes rust lite version of Peter Norvig's pytudes (2022-)
I use Java at work and also write some Python to automate some simple repetitive operations
- Data middle office at my company (2021-2022)
- Analogue circuit automation platform (2018-2019). The work we have done is similar to the following projects:
I built a algorithm tutorial for self-learning and other beginners in Java/Rust:
- Algorithm-with-JAVA (2020)
- algo-rust (2022)
I built CSAPP(Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective) labs tutorial for self-learning and other beginners in C/ASM (2020)