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Corpus Cleaner

Project description

Corpus Cleaner is a modular Python-based toolkit to clean raw text corpora through generator pipelines.

It was mainly designed to clean text collected from web crawlers resulting in a specific data format. However, due to its modularity, it can be customized and adapted to any data format.

Install and run

We provide three ways of installing the Corpus Cleaner.

Method 1: Virtual environment

Corpus Cleaner is not supposed to be run in Windows, specially the parallel implementation. Instead, a Unix system is assumed.

First create the Python virtualenv with python3.8 and install the dependencies (from requirements.txt), run:


For downloading third-party, non-Python dependencies, run:


Currently, the non-Python dependencies are:

Notice that installing a library required by Onion implies a system-wise installation of a library.

With the virtual environment activated (source venv/bin/activate), run the following with the python interpreter:

(venv) $ python [ARGS]

To know the available arguments [ARGS], see Usage section below.

Method 2: Docker

Make sure docker is installed in your system:

Build the docker image from a specific branch:

bash [BRANCH]

Run the docker container:

bash [ARGS]

The script will create a release-note-container.txt with the GitHub info of the container

To know the available arguments [ARGS], see Usage section below.

Method 3: Singularity

For building the Singularity image, once the Docker one has been built (since it is converted using, assuming Singularity is installed (, run:

bash [ARGS]

To know the available arguments [ARGS], see Usage section below.

Optional: remote deployment

To deploy the Singulariry container on a remote server, run the command:




In case Docker or Singularity are used, input data should be placed in a sub-directory in the data/ directory. Use symbolic links in case you do not want to place there your actual data. One can use the input-path or --output-path arguments, which are supposed to be relative paths from the root of the project (e.g. --input-path data/example-data).

In the case of the virtual environment, data could be placed in other directories, as long as the path is correctly passed as an argument.


Currently, Corpus Cleaner has the following arguments:

usage: [-h] [--input-path INPUT_PATH]
                     [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH]
                     [--input-format INPUT_FORMAT] 
                     [--output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT] 
                     [--checkpoint-backend {shelve,file}]                
                     [--components COMPONENTS [COMPONENTS ...]] 
                     [--log-every-iter LOG_EVERY_ITER]
                     [--backend BACKEND] 
                     [--debug] [--no-reduce]
                     [--extensions EXTENSIONS [EXTENSIONS ...]]
                     [--encoding ENCODING] 
                     [--encoding-threshold ENCODING_THRESHOLD]     
                     [--encoding-error-policy ENCODING_ERROR_POLICY]     
                     [--url-doc URL_DOC]
                     [--char-length-filter-document CHAR_LENGTH_FILTER_DOCUMENT]
                     [--digits_filter DIGITS_FILTER] 
                     [--lang-chars-filter LANG_CHARS_FILTER] 
                     [--alphanum-filter ALPHANUM_FILTER]
                     [--uppercase-filter UPPERCASE_FILTER]
                     [--alphabet-filter ALPHABET_FILTER [ALPHABET_FILTER ...]]
                     [--lang-filter LANG_FILTER [LANG_FILTER ...]]      [--initial-lang-filter-threshold INITIAL_LANG_FILTER_THRESHOLD] 
                     [--dictionary-filter-doc DICTIONARY_FILTER_DOC] [--seg-sentences]
                     [--char-length-filter-sentence CHAR_LENGTH_FILTER_SENTENCE]      [--word-length-filter-sentence WORD_LENGTH_FILTER_SENTENCE] 
                     [--digits-filter-sentence DIGITS_FILTER_SENTENCE]
                     [--fast-lang-filter-threshold FAST_LANG_FILTER_THRESHOLD]      [--slow-lang-filter-threshold SLOW_LANG_FILTER_THRESHOLD]      [--lang-filter-sentence]
                     [--code-threshold CODE_THRESHOLD] 
                     [--dictionary-filter-sen DICTIONARY_FILTER_SEN] [--dedup-same-doc-sentences] 
                     [--terminology-norm TERMINOLOGY_NORM]
                     [--document-deduplication-threshold DOCUMENT_DEDUPLICATION_THRESHOLD]
                     [--remove-glob-rep-sen REMOVE_GLOB_REP_SEN]
                     [--dedup-buffer DEDUP_BUFFER] 

Clean raw text data.

positional arguments:
  name                  A name to identify the run

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --input-path INPUT_PATH
                        Input data directory
  --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        Output data directory
  --input-format INPUT_FORMAT
                        Input data format
  --output-format OUTPUT_FORMAT
                        Output data format
  --checkpoint-backend {shelve,file}
                        Shelve is more convenient but file is more robust. For distributed executions,we recommend file.
  --components COMPONENTS [COMPONENTS ...]
                        Elements of the pipeline
  --parallel            Run the cleaner in parallel
  --log-every-iter LOG_EVERY_ITER
                        Log the pipeline every N iterations(-1, silent)
  --backend BACKEND     Parallel backend (mp or ray)
  --only-reduce         Only document filter
  --only-reduce-output  Only document filter for output files
  --debug               Activate the debug error mode to compare the original and cleaned sentences
  --no-reduce           suppress document filter component
  --extensions EXTENSIONS [EXTENSIONS ...]
                        File extensions to work with (eg. json)
  --encoding ENCODING   Input encoding format (eg. utf-8. If set to auto, the programtries to guess the encoding
  --encoding-threshold ENCODING_THRESHOLD
                        Encoding threshold if --encoding auto (ignoredotherwise. If the encoding detector is not above this threshold, it assigns utf-8.
  --encoding-error-policy ENCODING_ERROR_POLICY
                        Encoding error policy (same options as open()
  --url-doc URL_DOC     Path to a url list (plain text, one url per line)that should be filtered and processed
  --warc-warn           Enable warnings of WARC parser
  --none_filter         Apply no filters
                        Applying language filter on documents
                        Applying language-specific normalization
  --replace-emails      Replacing email adresses with "[EMAIL]"
                        Remove hashtags and mentions.
  --remove-tags         Remove XML/HTML tags
                        Normalize white spaces
  --replace-urls        Replacing URLs with "[URL]"
  --char-length-filter-document CHAR_LENGTH_FILTER_DOCUMENT
                        Minimum char length per document. Set to 0 not to apply any filter.
  --head-filter         Filter documents coming froma crawler (having a "heads" attribute) withcommon HTTP errors.
  --digits_filter DIGITS_FILTER
                        Maximum allowed proportion of digit characters
  --remove-citations    If used, remove citations in the common square brackets format, e.g [34]
  --lang-chars-filter LANG_CHARS_FILTER
                        Maximum allowed proportion of characters notbelonging to the alphabet of the language
  --alphanum-filter ALPHANUM_FILTER
                        Maximum allowed proportion of non-alphanumericcharacters
  --uppercase-filter UPPERCASE_FILTER
                        Maximum allowed proportion of uppercase characters
  --alphabet-filter ALPHABET_FILTER [ALPHABET_FILTER ...]
                        Alphabets that should be present (eg. LATIN)
  --lang-filter LANG_FILTER [LANG_FILTER ...]
                        List of languages that should allowed when filtering bylang. If not set, no filtering is applied.
  --initial-lang-filter-threshold INITIAL_LANG_FILTER_THRESHOLD
                        If --lang-filter is set, minimumthreshold for the initial langidentifier
  --dictionary-filter-doc DICTIONARY_FILTER_DOC
                        Path to dictionary (plain text, one term perline of terms that should not appear in adocument
  --seg-sentences       Segment wrongfully concatenated sentences.
  --char-length-filter-sentence CHAR_LENGTH_FILTER_SENTENCE
                        filter sentences shorter than a given minimum character length
  --word-length-filter-sentence WORD_LENGTH_FILTER_SENTENCE
                        filter sentences shorter than a given minimum word length
  --digits-filter-sentence DIGITS_FILTER_SENTENCE
                        Maximum allowed proportion of digit characters in the sentence
  --profanity-check     filter sentences with sensible content
  --fast-lang-filter-threshold FAST_LANG_FILTER_THRESHOLD
                        If --lang-filter is set, minimumthreshold for the faster lang identifier
  --slow-lang-filter-threshold SLOW_LANG_FILTER_THRESHOLD
                        If --lang-filter is set, minimumthreshold for the slower lang identifier
                        Applying language filter on sentences
                        Applying language filter on sentences with "src=" pattern
  --code-threshold CODE_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold (percentage) of code-like chars and tokensto filter a sentence (-1 to deactivate)
  --dictionary-filter-sen DICTIONARY_FILTER_SEN
                        Path to dictionary (plain text, one term perline of terms that should not appear in asentence
                        Deduplicate sentences inside the same document.
  --spell-check         Apply spell checking.
  --terminology-norm TERMINOLOGY_NORM
                        Path to a terminology dictionary to appliynormalization
  --punctuation-norm    Apply punctuation normalization.
  --document-deduplication-threshold DOCUMENT_DEDUPLICATION_THRESHOLD
                        Threshold for document de-duplication, expressed as the percentage of sentencesoverlap between documents
  --remove-glob-rep-sen REMOVE_GLOB_REP_SEN
                        Whether to remove corpus-level repeated sentences (threshold of repetitions; -1to deactivate)
  --dedup-buffer DEDUP_BUFFER
                        Deduplication buffer size, in bytes (default: 1000000000)
                        Individually apply reduction

The options will be detailed if you run the program with the --help argument.


In the data/ directory, there is the toy_wiki directory, which is a tiny subset of the Catalan wikipedia.

Depending on your run option, run one of the following commands:

(venv) $ python example-output --input-path data/toy_wiki --input-format wikipedia --output-format fairseq-lm --lang-filter ca
bash example-output --input-path data/toy_wiki --input-format wikipedia --output-format fairseq-lm --lang-filter ca
bash example-output --input-path data/toy_wiki --input-format wikipedia --output-format fairseq-lm --lang-filter ca

The output will be stored in output/ directory:

  • args.json: Arguments used, in order to make it reproducible.
  • clean.log: The cleaning log.
  • output.txt: The actual output.


For understanding how Corpus Cleaner works, please see the code documentation (TODO). As a high-level overview, see this section.


Corpus Cleaner applies the following components (in order):

  • a) Data parser: Parse the data in a specific format (currently supported formats: BNE Json and Wikipedia). It is easy to extend to new formats, by subclassing DataParser.
  • b) Encoding fixer.
  • c) Pre-filterer: Document-level, char-based, heuristic filters for discarding documents.
  • d) Sentence splitter.
  • e) Sentence filter: Sentence-level filters, slightly more complex than the ones in the Pre-filterer.
  • f) Normalizer: Optional normalization including punctuation.
  • g) Document filter: Document-level filters. Basically, document deduplication.
  • h) Document organizer: Organize documents into domains or languagees (not implemented yet).
  • i) Output formatter: Write the output in a specific format (currently supported outputs: Fairseq LM format).


Pull requests are welcome!

My input format (eg. PubMed XML) is not supported

Sub-class DataParser similarly to how BNEJsonParser and WikipediaParser are implemented. Adapt the DataParserFactory accordingly.

My output format is not supported.

Sub-class OutputFormatter similarly to how FairseqLMOutputFOrmatter is implemented. Adapt the OutputFormatterFactory accordingly.

A specific component doesn't adapt to my needs

First, try to change the default arguments. If it still doesn't fit your use case, modify the component, or add a new one.


The current version is 0.2.


See also the full list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


Some of the filters of this project are inspired by: