Check out for more information.
To configure your servers create a file called lib/data_server_conf.rb
with content like the following:
require './data_server'
module DataServerConf
GRAPHITE = => 'http', :host => 'localhost',
:port => 8888, :path => '/graphite',
:user => 'user:pass')
Your dashing jobs will be able to require './lib/data_server_conf'
and refer to specific data servers with something like DataServerConf::GRAPHITE
. Right now, the object returned by
is a URI object and can be used as such right after.
Below is the code for starting a new job that tracks current graph points from graphite Query is based on graphite's URL API, check out:
example query: http://graphite/render?format=json&
require "./lib/graphite"
require './lib/data_server_conf'
# begin scheduler, choose frequency.
SCHEDULER.every '1s', :first_in => 0 do
# Create an instance of our helper class
q = DataServerConf::GRAPHITE
graphite_test_target = ""
# get the current value, and set time sample.
current_value = q.value graphite_test_target, "-5min"
# get data set preceding current value, and set time sample.
data_set = q.points graphite_test_target, "-5min"
# find first data point y value
prev_value = data_set[0][:y]
# set threshold
threshold_set = 1,000
# send to dashboard, so the number the number and the graph widget can understand it
send_event 'send_visits', { current: current_value, last: prev_value, threshold: threshold_set }
Making widget in HTML
Each new widget is a list item. See Dashing's doc for how to layout.
-Set data-id to send_event from your_metric.rb. ('send_visits') -Set data-view to render correct widget for threshold -Set data-operator to specify if you are checking for your metrics to be greater or lesser than threshold_set. ('lesser' will notify if current data is less than 1,000)
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="1" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="send_visits" data-view="Threshold" data-title="Visits Today" data-operator="lesser" style="background-color: #4FD5D6"></div>