A reddit bot for leaving removal reasons on removed submissions that have been given a flair containing a rule number
- Install Python 3
- Install PIP (https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/installing/)
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up a reddit wikipage with YAML formatted reasons you want to have for each rule. This page must include a header, footer, and rules section. See example rule page example.yaml
- Ensure user info, subreddit name, wikipage name, number of posts to check in moderator log, etc are set up in config.yaml
- Add removal reason comments to removed submissions
- run RemovalBot.py
- Will only leave comments on posts that have been removed and have a rule in the flair that matches your configurations
- Checks to ensure there isn"t already a distinguished comment in the comment section
- Keeps track of posts that have been commented on to save time/resources
- Allows a list of moderators to ignore from the log - For example if you have Automoderator in this list, all posts removed by Automod will get ignored
- More error handling
- Additional customizations