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Release 0.21.0

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@antalszava antalszava released this 08 Feb 07:13

New features since last release

Reduce qubit requirements of simulating Hamiltonians ⚛️

  • Functions for tapering qubits based on molecular symmetries have been added, following results from Setia et al. (#1966) (#1974) (#2041) (#2042)

    With this functionality, a molecular Hamiltonian and the corresponding Hartree-Fock (HF) state can be transformed to a new Hamiltonian and HF state that acts on a reduced number of qubits, respectively.

    # molecular geometry
    symbols = ["He", "H"]
    geometry = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.4588684632]])
    mol = qml.hf.Molecule(symbols, geometry, charge=1)
    # generate the qubit Hamiltonian
    H = qml.hf.generate_hamiltonian(mol)(geometry)
    # determine Hamiltonian symmetries
    generators, paulix_ops = qml.hf.generate_symmetries(H, len(H.wires))
    opt_sector = qml.hf.optimal_sector(H, generators, mol.n_electrons)
    # taper the Hamiltonian
    H_tapered = qml.hf.transform_hamiltonian(H, generators, paulix_ops, opt_sector)

    We can compare the number of qubits required by the original Hamiltonian and the tapered Hamiltonian:

    >>> len(H.wires)
    >>> len(H_tapered.wires)

    For quantum chemistry algorithms, the Hartree-Fock state can also be tapered:

    n_elec = mol.n_electrons
    n_qubits = mol.n_orbitals * 2
    hf_tapered = qml.hf.transform_hf(
        generators, paulix_ops, opt_sector, n_elec, n_qubits
    >>> hf_tapered
    tensor([1, 1], requires_grad=True)

New tensor network templates 🪢

  • Quantum circuits with the shape of a matrix product state tensor network can now be easily implemented using the new qml.MPS template, based on the work arXiv:1803.11537. (#1871)

    def block(weights, wires):
        qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[0], wires[1]])
        qml.RY(weights[0], wires=wires[0])
        qml.RY(weights[1], wires=wires[1])
    n_wires = 4
    n_block_wires = 2
    n_params_block = 2
    template_weights = np.array([[0.1, -0.3], [0.4, 0.2], [-0.15, 0.5]], requires_grad=True)
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=range(n_wires))
    def circuit(weights):
        qml.MPS(range(n_wires), n_block_wires, block, n_params_block, weights)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=n_wires - 1))

    The resulting circuit is:

    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit, expansion_strategy="device")(template_weights))
    0: ──╭C──RY(0.1)───────────────────────────────┤
    1: ──╰X──RY(-0.3)──╭C──RY(0.4)─────────────────┤
    2: ────────────────╰X──RY(0.2)──╭C──RY(-0.15)──┤
    3: ─────────────────────────────╰X──RY(0.5)────┤ ⟨Z⟩
  • Added a template for tree tensor networks, qml.TTN. (#2043)

    def block(weights, wires):
        qml.CNOT(wires=[wires[0], wires[1]])
        qml.RY(weights[0], wires=wires[0])
        qml.RY(weights[1], wires=wires[1])
    n_wires = 4
    n_block_wires = 2
    n_params_block = 2
    n_blocks = qml.MPS.get_n_blocks(range(n_wires), n_block_wires)
    template_weights = [[0.1, -0.3]] * n_blocks
    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=range(n_wires))
    def circuit(template_weights):
        qml.TTN(range(n_wires), n_block_wires, block, n_params_block, template_weights)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(wires=n_wires - 1))

    The resulting circuit is:

    >>> print(qml.draw(circuit, expansion_strategy="device")(template_weights))
    0: ──╭C──RY(0.1)─────────────────┤
    1: ──╰X──RY(-0.3)──╭C──RY(0.1)───┤
    2: ──╭C──RY(0.1)───│─────────────┤
    3: ──╰X──RY(-0.3)──╰X──RY(-0.3)──┤ ⟨Z⟩

Generalized RotosolveOptmizer 📉

  • The RotosolveOptimizer has been generalized to arbitrary frequency spectra in the cost function. Also note the changes in behaviour listed under Breaking changes. (#2081)

    Previously, the RotosolveOptimizer only supported variational circuits using special gates such as single-qubit Pauli rotations. Now, circuits with arbitrary gates are supported natively without decomposition, as long as the frequencies of the gate parameters are known. This new generalization extends the Rotosolve optimization method to a larger class of circuits, and can reduce the cost of the optimization compared to decomposing all gates to single-qubit rotations.

    Consider the QNode

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def qnode(x, Y):
        qml.RX(2.5 * x, wires=0)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.RZ(0.3 * Y[0], wires=0)
        qml.CRY(1.1 * Y[1], wires=[1, 0])
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliX(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1))
    x = np.array(0.8, requires_grad=True)
    Y = np.array([-0.2, 1.5], requires_grad=True)

    Its frequency spectra can be easily obtained via qml.fourier.qnode_spectrum:

    >>> spectra = qml.fourier.qnode_spectrum(qnode)(x, Y)
    >>> spectra
    {'x': {(): [-2.5, 0.0, 2.5]},
     'Y': {(0,): [-0.3, 0.0, 0.3], (1,): [-1.1, -0.55, 0.0, 0.55, 1.1]}}

    We may then initialize the RotosolveOptimizer and minimize the QNode cost function by providing this information about the frequency spectra. We also compare the cost at each step to the initial cost.

    >>> cost_init = qnode(x, Y)
    >>> opt = qml.RotosolveOptimizer()
    >>> for _ in range(2):
    ...     x, Y = opt.step(qnode, x, Y, spectra=spectra)
    ...     print(f"New cost: {np.round(qnode(x, Y), 3)}; Initial cost: {np.round(cost_init, 3)}")
    New cost: 0.0; Initial cost: 0.706
    New cost: -1.0; Initial cost: 0.706

    The optimization with RotosolveOptimizer is performed in substeps. The minimal cost of these substeps can be retrieved by setting full_output=True.

    >>> x = np.array(0.8, requires_grad=True)
    >>> Y = np.array([-0.2, 1.5], requires_grad=True)
    >>> opt = qml.RotosolveOptimizer()
    >>> for _ in range(2):
    ...     (x, Y), history = opt.step(qnode, x, Y, spectra=spectra, full_output=True)
    ...     print(f"New cost: {np.round(qnode(x, Y), 3)} reached via substeps {np.round(history, 3)}")
    New cost: 0.0 reached via substeps [-0.  0.  0.]
    New cost: -1.0 reached via substeps [-1. -1. -1.]

    However, note that these intermediate minimal values are evaluations of the reconstructions that Rotosolve creates and uses internally for the optimization, and not of the original objective function. For noisy cost functions, these intermediate evaluations may differ significantly from evaluations of the original cost function.

Improved JAX support 💻

  • The JAX interface now supports evaluating vector-valued QNodes. (#2110)

    Vector-valued QNodes include those with:

    • qml.probs;
    • qml.state;
    • qml.sample or
    • multiple qml.expval / qml.var measurements.

    Consider a QNode that returns basis-state probabilities:

    dev = qml.device('default.qubit', wires=2)
    x = jnp.array(0.543)
    y = jnp.array(-0.654)
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method="parameter-shift", interface="jax")
    def circuit(x, y):
        qml.RX(x, wires=[0])
        qml.RY(y, wires=[1])
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        return qml.probs(wires=[1])

    The QNode can be evaluated and its jacobian can be computed:

    >>> circuit(x, y)
    DeviceArray([0.8397495 , 0.16025047], dtype=float32)
    >>> jax.jacobian(circuit, argnums=[0, 1])(x, y)
    (DeviceArray([-0.2050439,  0.2050439], dtype=float32, weak_type=True),
     DeviceArray([ 0.26043, -0.26043], dtype=float32, weak_type=True))

    Note that jax.jit is not yet supported for vector-valued QNodes.

Speedier quantum natural gradient ⚡

  • A new function for computing the metric tensor on simulators, qml.adjoint_metric_tensor, has been added, that uses classically efficient methods to massively improve performance. (#1992)

    This method, detailed in Jones (2020), computes the metric tensor using four copies of the state vector and a number of operations that scales quadratically in the number of trainable parameters.

    Note that as it makes use of state cloning, it is inherently classical and can only be used with statevector simulators and shots=None.

    It is particularly useful for larger circuits for which backpropagation requires inconvenient or even unfeasible amounts of storage, but is slower. Furthermore, the adjoint method is only available for analytic computation, not for measurements simulation with shots!=None.

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=3)
    def circuit(x, y):
        qml.Rot(*x[0], wires=0)
        qml.Rot(*x[1], wires=1)
        qml.Rot(*x[2], wires=2)
        qml.CNOT(wires=[0, 1])
        qml.CNOT(wires=[1, 2])
        qml.CNOT(wires=[2, 0])
        qml.RY(y[0], wires=0)
        qml.RY(y[1], wires=1)
        qml.RY(y[0], wires=2)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0) @ qml.PauliZ(1)), qml.expval(qml.PauliY(1))
    x = np.array([[0.2, 0.4, -0.1], [-2.1, 0.5, -0.2], [0.1, 0.7, -0.6]], requires_grad=False)
    y = np.array([1.3, 0.2], requires_grad=True)
    >>> qml.adjoint_metric_tensor(circuit)(x, y)
    tensor([[ 0.25495723, -0.07086695],
            [-0.07086695,  0.24945606]], requires_grad=True)

    Computational cost

    The adjoint method uses :math:2P^2+4P+1 gates and state cloning operations if the circuit is composed only of trainable gates, where :math:P is the number of trainable operations. If non-trainable gates are included, each of them is applied about :math:n^2-n times, where :math:n is the number of trainable operations that follow after the respective non-trainable operation in the circuit. This means that non-trainable gates later in the circuit are executed less often, making the adjoint method a bit cheaper if such gates appear later. The adjoint method requires memory for 4 independent state vectors, which corresponds roughly
    to storing a state vector of a system with 2 additional qubits.

Compute the Hessian on hardware ⬆️

  • A new gradient transform qml.gradients.param_shift_hessian has been added to directly compute the Hessian (2nd order partial derivative matrix) of
    QNodes on hardware.

    The function generates parameter-shifted tapes which allow the Hessian to be computed analytically on hardware and software devices. Compared to using an auto-differentiation framework to compute the Hessian via parameter shifts, this function will use fewer device invocations and can be used to inspect the parameter-shifted "Hessian tapes" directly. The function remains fully differentiable on all supported PennyLane interfaces.

    Additionally, the parameter-shift Hessian comes with a new batch transform decorator @qml.gradients.hessian_transform, which can be used to create custom Hessian functions.

    The following code demonstrates how to use the parameter-shift Hessian:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit(x):
        qml.RX(x[0], wires=0)
        qml.RY(x[1], wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    x = np.array([0.1, 0.2], requires_grad=True)
    hessian = qml.gradients.param_shift_hessian(circuit)(x)
    >>> hessian
    tensor([[-0.97517033,  0.01983384],
            [ 0.01983384, -0.97517033]], requires_grad=True)


  • The qml.transforms.insert transform now supports adding operation after or before certain specific gates. (#1980)

  • Added a modified version of the simplify function to the hf module. (#2103)

    This function combines redundant terms in a Hamiltonian and eliminates terms with a coefficient smaller than a cutoff value. The new function makes construction of molecular Hamiltonians more efficient. For LiH, as an example, the time to construct the Hamiltonian is reduced roughly by a factor of 20.

  • The QAOA module now accepts both NetworkX and RetworkX graphs as function inputs. (#1791)

  • The CircuitGraph, used to represent circuits via directed acyclic graphs, now uses RetworkX for its internal representation. This results in significant speedup for algorithms that rely on a directed acyclic graph representation. (#1791)

  • For subclasses of Operator where the number of parameters is known before instantiation, the num_params is reverted back to being a static property. This allows to programmatically know the number of parameters before an operator is instantiated without changing the user interface. A test was added to ensure that different ways of defining num_params work as expected. (#2101) (#2135)

  • A WireCut operator has been added for manual wire cut placement when constructing a QNode. (#2093)

  • The new function qml.drawer.tape_text produces a string drawing of a tape. This function differs in implementation and minor stylistic details from the old string circuit drawing infrastructure. (#1885)

  • The RotosolveOptimizer now raises an error if no trainable arguments are detected, instead of silently skipping update steps for all arguments. (#2109)

  • The function qml.math.safe_squeeze is introduced and gradient_transform allows for QNode argument axes of size 1. (#2080)

    qml.math.safe_squeeze wraps qml.math.squeeze, with slight modifications:

    • When provided the axis keyword argument, axes that do not have size 1 will be ignored, instead of raising an error.

    • The keyword argument exclude_axis allows to explicitly exclude axes from the squeezing.

  • The adjoint transform now raises and error whenever the object it is applied to is not callable. (#2060)

    An example is a list of operations to which one might apply qml.adjoint:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    def circuit_wrong(params):
        # Note the difference:                  v                         v
        qml.adjoint(qml.templates.AngleEmbedding(params, wires=dev.wires))
        return qml.state()
    def circuit_correct(params):
        # Note the difference:                  v                         v
        qml.adjoint(qml.templates.AngleEmbedding)(params, wires=dev.wires)
        return qml.state()
    params = list(range(1, 3))

    Evaluating circuit_wrong(params) now raises a ValueError and if we apply qml.adjoint correctly, we get

    >>> circuit_correct(params)
    [ 0.47415988+0.j          0.         0.73846026j  0.         0.25903472j
     -0.40342268+0.j        ]
  • A precision argument has been added to the tape's to_openqasm function to control the precision of parameters. (#2071)

  • Interferometer now has a shape method. (#1946)

  • The Barrier and Identity operations now support the adjoint method. (#2062) (#2063)

  • qml.BasisStatePreparation now supports the batch_params decorator. (#2091)

  • Added a new multi_dispatch decorator that helps ease the definition of new functions inside PennyLane. The decorator is used throughout the math module, demonstrating use cases. (#2082) (#2096)

    We can decorate a function, indicating the arguments that are tensors handled by the interface:

    >>> @qml.math.multi_dispatch(argnum=[0, 1])
    ... def some_function(tensor1, tensor2, option, like):
    ...     # the interface string is stored in ``like``.
    ...     ...

    Previously, this was done using the private utility function _multi_dispatch.

    >>> def some_function(tensor1, tensor2, option):
    ...     interface = qml.math._multi_dispatch([tensor1, tensor2])
    ...     ...
  • The IsingZZ gate was added to the diagonal_in_z_basis attribute. For this an explicit _eigvals method was added. (#2113)

  • The IsingXX, IsingYY and IsingZZ gates were added to the composable_rotations attribute. (#2113)

Breaking changes

  • QNode arguments will no longer be considered trainable by default when using the Autograd interface. In order to obtain derivatives with respect to a parameter, it should be instantiated via PennyLane's NumPy wrapper using the requires_grad=True attribute. The previous behaviour was deprecated in version v0.19.0 of PennyLane. (#2116) (#2125) (#2139) (#2148) (#2156)

    from pennylane import numpy as np
    @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2))
    def circuit(x):
    x = np.array([0.1, 0.2], requires_grad=True)

    For the qml.grad and qml.jacobian functions, trainability can alternatively be indicated via the argnum keyword:

    import numpy as np
    @qml.qnode(qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2))
    def circuit(hyperparam, param):
    x = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
    qml.grad(circuit, argnum=1)(0.5, x)
  • qml.jacobian now follows a different convention regarding its output shape. (#2059)

    Previously, qml.jacobian would attempt to stack the Jacobian for multiple QNode arguments, which succeeded whenever the arguments have the same shape. In this case, the stacked Jacobian would also be transposed, leading to the output shape (*reverse_QNode_args_shape, *reverse_output_shape, num_QNode_args)

    If no stacking and transposing occurs, the output shape instead is a tuple where each entry corresponds to one QNode argument and has the shape (*output_shape, *QNode_arg_shape).

    This breaking change alters the behaviour in the first case and removes the attempt to stack and transpose, so that the output always has the shape of the second type.

    Note that the behaviour is unchanged --- that is, the Jacobian tuple is unpacked into a single Jacobian --- if argnum=None and there is only one QNode argument with respect to which the differentiation takes place, or if an integer is provided as argnum.

    A workaround that allowed qml.jacobian to differentiate multiple QNode arguments will no longer support higher-order derivatives. In such cases, combining multiple arguments into a single array is recommended.

  • qml.metric_tensor, qml.adjoint_metric_tensor and qml.transforms.classical_jacobian now follow a different convention regarding their output shape when being used with the Autograd interface (#2059)

    See the previous entry for details. This breaking change immediately follows from the change in qml.jacobian whenever hybrid=True is used in the above methods.

  • The behaviour of RotosolveOptimizer has been changed regarding its keyword arguments. (#2081)

    The keyword arguments optimizer and optimizer_kwargs for the RotosolveOptimizer have been renamed to substep_optimizer and substep_kwargs, respectively. Furthermore they have been moved from step and step_and_cost to the initialization __init__.

    The keyword argument num_freqs has been renamed to nums_frequency and is expected to take a different shape now: Previously, it was expected to be an int or a list of entries, with each entry in turn being either an int or a list of int entries. Now the expected structure is a nested dictionary, matching the formatting expected by qml.fourier.reconstruct This also matches the expected formatting of the new keyword arguments spectra and shifts.

    For more details, see the RotosolveOptimizer documentation.


  • Deprecates the caching ability provided by QubitDevice. (#2154)

    Going forward, the preferred way is to use the caching abilities of the QNode:

    dev = qml.device("default.qubit", wires=2)
    cache = {}
    @qml.qnode(dev, diff_method='parameter-shift', cache=cache)
    def circuit():
        qml.RY(0.345, wires=0)
        return qml.expval(qml.PauliZ(0))
    >>> for _ in range(10):
    ...    circuit()
    >>> dev.num_executions

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a bug where an incorrect number of executions are recorded by a QNode using a custom cache with diff_method="backprop". (#2171)

  • Fixes a bug where the default.qubit.jax device can't be used with diff_method=None and jitting. (#2136)

  • Fixes a bug where the Torch interface was not properly unwrapping Torch tensors to NumPy arrays before executing gradient tapes on devices. (#2117)

  • Fixes a bug for the TensorFlow interface where the dtype of input tensors was not cast. (#2120)

  • Fixes a bug where batch transformed QNodes would fail to apply batch transforms provided by the underlying device. (#2111)

  • An error is now raised during QNode creation if backpropagation is requested on a device with finite shots specified. (#2114)

  • Pytest now ignores any DeprecationWarning raised within autograd's numpy_wrapper module. Other assorted minor test warnings are fixed. (#2007)

  • Fixes a bug where the QNode was not correctly diagonalizing qubit-wise commuting observables. (#2097)

  • Fixes a bug in gradient_transform where the hybrid differentiation of circuits with a single parametrized gate failed and QNode argument axes of size 1 where removed from the output gradient. (#2080)

  • The available diff_method options for QNodes has been corrected in both the error messages and the documentation. (#2078)

  • Fixes a bug in DefaultQubit where the second derivative of QNodes at positions corresponding to vanishing state vector amplitudes is wrong. (#2057)

  • Fixes a bug where PennyLane didn't require v0.20.0 of PennyLane-Lightning, but raised an error with versions of Lightning earlier than v0.20.0 due to the new batch execution pipeline. (#2033)

  • Fixes a bug in classical_jacobian when used with Torch, where the Jacobian of the preprocessing was also computed for non-trainable parameters. (#2020)

  • Fixes a bug in queueing of the two_qubit_decomposition method that originally led to circuits with >3 two-qubit unitaries failing when passed through the unitary_to_rot optimization transform. (#2015)

  • Fixes a bug which allows using jax.jit to be compatible with circuits which return qml.probs when the default.qubit.jax is provided with a custom shot vector. (#2028)

  • Updated the adjoint() method for non-parametric qubit operations to solve a bug where repeated adjoint() calls don't return the correct operator. (#2133)

  • Fixed a bug in insert() which prevented operations that inherited from multiple classes to be inserted. (#2172)


  • Fixes an error in the signs of equations in the DoubleExcitation page. (#2072)

  • Extends the interfaces description page to explicitly mention device compatibility. (#2031)


This release contains contributions from (in alphabetical order):

Juan Miguel Arrazola, Ali Asadi, Utkarsh Azad, Sam Banning, Thomas Bromley, Esther Cruz, Christian Gogolin, Nathan Killoran, Christina Lee, Olivia Di Matteo, Diego Guala, Anthony Hayes, David Ittah, Josh Izaac, Soran Jahangiri, Edward Jiang, Ankit Khandelwal, Korbinian Kottmann, Romain Moyard, Lee James O'Riordan, Maria Schuld, Jay Soni, Antal Száva, David Wierichs, Shaoming Zhang.