This framework is based on:
Our research paper can be found here.
- Peiyi Jiang ([email protected])
- Haoyi Zhang
- Jiahao Chen ([email protected])
Our experiments are on separate branches. Please checkout to the correcponding branch and follow the instructions there.
Model(C+G): model-direction
AST: ast-direction
Dataset: dataset-direction
Demo-Model(C+G): demo-model
Demo-AST: demo-ast
Demo-Dataset: demo-go
- Add conditions to determine if computer support cuda in the ECMG model. This will enable the model to be tested on a machine that doesn't have NVIDIA GPU
- Decrease the batch number to solve the out of memory error on the Machines with inadequate GPU performance
Downloading Dataset
wget tar zxvf dataset.tar.gz
dataset folder must be at the same level as the run script
- Running on ARM64 MAC machine
# Create virtual env and activate
conda create --name py38 python=3.8
conda activate py38
# Install Rust compiler if you don't have it
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
# Install packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Training
bash $language
- Running on colab free tire
# Open GPU in the Runtime
# Upload dataset to your google drivee
# Refer the steps in run_colab.ipynb and examples in