A simple application that shows how to integrate Paystack into your VueJS app.
You can try out the live demo of the app.
- Clone the repo
- Open code in your IDE
- Install dependencies
npm install
- For a sample backend, you can also clone this repo. The backend is only available in Node.
- assets: This contains different gifts images
- components: There are three components used in this app:
- Cart: This holds a list of gifts currently available in a fictitious cart.
- Layout: This sets base structure of the app using two columns. It holds the Cart and Receipt components.
- Receipt: This contains a from for collecting the customer's detail. It also show the price breakdown of the user's fees
- data: This contains a JSON file used to populate the Cart component
- store: This is used to manage state across the Cart and Receipt component
- Open terminal and run command:
npm run serve
- If you are also using the sample backend, start the node server:
node server.js