Docker Website Builder
This web app allows users to create websites for their businesses and organizations in a isolated, secure environment powered by docker!
To run and test this app effectively, a few things need to be done:
1. Create hostnames for testing.
2. Install all dependencies.
3. Understand database seeding.
Create hostnames for testing: Navigate to the following file: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts And paste this text at the bottom: host1.dockertest.internal host2.dockertest.internal host3.dockertest.internal
Then save. Test adding sites using the 3 domains above (host1.dockertest.internal, etc.)
Install all dependencies. First, install docker desktop. Then, in the root directory of this project, install all depencies with: pip install -r requirements.txt
In our file, we have a db seeding function for testing. At the bottom, in the "if name == "main": ... block, uncomment the seed_db(app) line. This will empty the entire database, and insert sample data into the Users and Websites table. The two users are: user 1: email: [email protected] password: testtest user 2: email: [email protected] password: theforce
Note that the initial websites inserted in the seeder will not have valid links. This is expected. Currently, our site ui is not beautiful. This is because most of our work was on backend features. This will improve. Also, we will obviously be fixing many bugs over the coming weeks.
Also note that the upload feature of our app utilizes features of Python that have been discoverd to contain bugs in the language. These issues have been fixed, but if you run an older version of Python, you may experience an error like "Couldn't unzip: 'SpooledTemporaryFile' object has no attribute 'seekable'". This, once again, is a bug in the Python language, not our app. We have confirmed that it has been fixed as of Python 3.12.1. For more info about this issue, read more here:
If there are any questions, let me know.