- SZ algorithm is an error-bounded lossy compressor developed by Di Sheng at the Argonne National Laboratiry.
- PnetCDF is a parallel I/O library providing high-performance data access to Unidata's NetCDF files,
% make bin2nc
% ./bin2nc testdouble_8_8_128.dat
% mv testdouble_8_8_128.dat.nc testdouble_8_8_128.nc
% ncdump -h testdouble_8_8_128.nc
netcdf testdouble_8_8_128 {
Z = 128 ;
Y = 8 ;
X = 8 ;
int scalar ;
scalar:test = "dummy text attribute" ;
double var3d(Z, Y, X) ;
var3d:SZ\ test\ dataset = "x86/testdouble_8_8_128.dat" ;
var3d:hidtory = "2017-12-08 12:36:51" ;
// global attributes:
:SZ\ URL = "https://collab.cels.anl.gov/display/ESR/SZ" ;
:Purpose = "This file is created to test integrated SZ compression and decompression in PnetCDF" ;
% ncdump -k testdouble_8_8_128.nc
Build utility program pnc_sz, a prototyped PnetCDF program with SZ compression and decompression feature.
% make pnc_sz
Usage: pnc_sz [-h] | [-d] [-k] [-z sz.conf] [-v var1[,...]] input_file
[-h] Print help
[-d] Perform data decompression
[-k] Decompressed output file format.
1: classic, 2: 64-bit offset, 5: CDF-5 (default)
[-z sz.conf] Input SZ configure file
[-v var1[,...]] Compress variable(s) <var1>,... only and remove non-selected variables
[-V var1[,...]] Compress variable(s) <var1>,... and store all variables (both compressed and non-compressed)
input_file Input netCDF file name
Test run on 4 MPI processes to compress variables in input NetCDF file. Note scalar variables are not compressed.
Befure testing, you are recommended to set the following environmental variable in .bashrc or so, otherwise, the decompression (mpirun -np 4 ./pnc_sz -d -z ....) might take a very long time. export PNETCDF_HINTS="nc_header_align_size=1048576"
% mpiexec -n 4 ./pnc_sz -z sz.config testdouble_8_8_128.nc
% ncdump -h testdouble_8_8_128.nc.sz
netcdf testdouble_8_8_128.nc {
Z = 128 ;
Y = 8 ;
X = 8 ;
SZ.var3d = 18744 ;
byte var3d(SZ.var3d) ;
var3d:SZ\ test\ dataset = "x86/testdouble_8_8_128.dat" ;
var3d:hidtory = "2017-12-08 12:36:51" ;
var3d:SZ.nc_type = 6 ;
var3d:SZ.ndims = 3 ;
var3d:SZ.dimids = 0, 1, 2 ;
var3d:SZ.nblocks = 4 ;
var3d:SZ.block_lens = 4686, 4686, 4686, 4686 ;
var3d:SZ.starts = 0LL, 0LL, 0LL, 32LL, 0LL, 0LL, 64LL, 0LL, 0LL, 96LL, 0LL, 0LL ;
var3d:SZ.counts = 32LL, 8LL, 8LL, 32LL, 8LL, 8LL, 32LL, 8LL, 8LL, 32LL, 8LL, 8LL ;
// global attributes:
:SZ\ URL = "https://collab.cels.anl.gov/display/ESR/SZ" ;
:Purpose = "This file is created to test integrated SZ compression and decompression in PnetCDF" ;
% ncdump -k testdouble_8_8_128.nc.sz
% mpiexec -n 3 ./pnc_sz -d -z sz.config testdouble_8_8_128.nc.sz
% ncdump -k testdouble_8_8_128.nc.sz.unsz
netcdf testdouble_8_8_128.nc.sz {
Z = 128 ;
Y = 8 ;
X = 8 ;
double var3d(Z, Y, X) ;
var3d:SZ\ test\ dataset = "x86/testdouble_8_8_128.dat" ;
var3d:hidtory = "2017-12-08 12:36:51" ;
// global attributes:
:SZ\ URL = "https://collab.cels.anl.gov/display/ESR/SZ" ;
:Purpose = "This file is created to test integrated SZ compression and decompression in PnetCDF" ;
% ncdump -h testdouble_8_8_128.nc.sz.unsz
Contact: @wkliao