This is a quick-and-dirty NodeJS script to periodically update a listing so it gets pushed to the top of all listings.
It utilizes selenium-webdriver and chromedriver to automate a Chrome/Chromium browser that runs in headless mode.
You'll need to install selenium-webdriver first:
npm install selenium-webdriver
Now download chromedriver from their website, store it somewhere safe (i.e where you won't delete or move it) and include the chromedriver location in your PATH environment variable.
Alternatively you can install it using apt-get
like so:
sudo apt-get install chromium-chromedriver
Do be warned though, that after a Chrome update your chromedriver might be out of date and the apt-get repository might not be up-to-date yet.
Make a copy of config-sample.js and rename it to config.js. Now fill in your login information, the offer-ID of the listing you want to keep updated and how often you want the offer to be updated (in minutes).
node wg_updater.js