Ever since my childhood, I loved everything about computers. I always wanted to learn how can I use a computer in my needs, which got me introduced to software programming. It all started with game servers and simple websites and now I am capable of building complex systems. I am always ready to push myself above my limits and give the best possible results.
Currently, I am a full-time employed at an Estonian fintech start-up company named Wallester AS as a Head of Engineering. Our main technology stack includes working daily with Go(lang), PostgreSQL, Protocol Buffers, gRPC, JSON REST API, and AWS infrastructure.
In my free time, I like to work on my pet projects, learn new technologies, read books, or DJ :)
🔭 I'm currently employed at Wallester AS
🌱 I’m currently learning Arhitectural patterns, HighLoad, DevOps, DevSecOps
💬 Ask me about Go, AWS, Backend Development, Architecture
📫 Reach me through e-mail [email protected]