Attribute Mapper which can link federated accounts to a central Identity Provider account in order to gain access to ServiceProviders (e.g. eduGain) that are not connected to the home institution of the user.
- Java 7
- Maven 3
- MySQL 5.5+
- npm
Connect to your local mysql database: mysql -uroot
Execute the following to create a local database compliant with travis:
CREATE DATABASE `attribute_mapper`;
grant all on `attribute_mapper`.* to 'root'@'localhost';
This project uses Spring Boot and Maven. To run locally, type:
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments=""
When developing, it's convenient to just execute the applications main-method, which is in Application.
With the dev
modus you don't have to login and you can mimic the different steps:
Without the dev
modus you will need to login and an attempt is made to actually send emails for conformation.
The application uses node-sass to compile the sass to css. First install the dependencies:
npm install
Then you can generate the css with:
npm run build-css
Or use nodemon to watch the scss files:
npm run watch-scss
The production flow and the Attribute-Mapper role is depicted in this image.
The SAML Spring Security library needs a private DSA key and the public certificates of the IdentityProviders. The public certificates can be copied from the metadata.
mvn -Dtest=am.saml.KeyPairGenerator test
Or you can generate the private / public key for the Attribute-Mapper SP with openssl:
openssl req -subj '/O=Organization, CN=AttributeMapper/' -newkey rsa:2048 -new -x509 -days 3652 -nodes -out oidc.crt -keyout am.pem
The Java KeyStore expects a pkcs8 DER format for RSA private keys so we have to re-format that key:
openssl pkcs8 -nocrypt -in am.pem -topk8 -out am.der
Remove the whitespace, heading and footer from the am.crt and am.der:
cat am.der |head -n -1 |tail -n +2 | tr -d '\n'; echo
cat am.crt |head -n -1 |tail -n +2 | tr -d '\n'; echo
Above commands work on linux distributions. On mac you can issue the same command with ghead
after you install coreutils
brew install coreutils
cat am.der |ghead -n -1 |tail -n +2 | tr -d '\n'; echo
cat am.crt |ghead -n -1 |tail -n +2 | tr -d '\n'; echo
Add the am key pair to the file:
am.private.key=${output from cleaning the der file}
am.public.certificate=${output from cleaning the crt file}
Add the EB and central IdP certificates to the file:
surfconext_idp.public.certificate=${copy & paste from the metadata}
surfconext_idp.public.certificate=${copy & paste from the metadata}
The Attribute Authority endpoint is protected with Basic Authentication and requires the unspecified nameID
curl -v -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-type: application/json" --user am_aa_client:secret http://localhost:8080/api/user/
The metadata is generated on the fly and is displayed on http://localhost:8080/saml/metadata