This project is the web interface for the open-smartwatch. it connects to the OS using its built-in API and allows you to configure the watch.
You want to fix something? Just start the development server and start hacking!
nvm install v20.17.0 # First time only, install npm/node via nvm (
nvm use v20.17.0
npm install # Install dependencies, only needed once
npm start
If you want to build the project, just run the build script. It will create a dist
folder with the compiled files.
npm run build-osw
You should then be able to drop-in-replace the respective source-codes in the osw-os repository.
... is a special branch that contains the compiled files. It is used to provide the compiled files to the OSW-OS repository. As a maintainer you have to update the dist
branch manually (do not forget to run npm version ...
). You can use the
script for updating the branch.
Well, NPM is a wonderful thing. Just run npm update
and you should be good to go. Not. IF this still leaves you with outdated packages, you can try to run:
npm outdated --json --depth=0 | \
jq --ascii-output --monochrome-output '. | keys | .[]' | \
xargs npm install $1 --save-dev --force
...and then npm update
, fix conflicts in package.json
until it builds again.
Finally, run npm version
to update the version number in package.json
, commit the changes and update the dist