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Merge pull request #54 from LABSARI/main
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Adding a builder for menu items so one can define its own menu items.
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akevalion authored Dec 16, 2022
2 parents 89b9828 + ea044d5 commit d6e8f46
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Showing 5 changed files with 167 additions and 32 deletions.
31 changes: 0 additions & 31 deletions src/Hierarchical-Roassal3-Menu/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,37 +11,6 @@ Class {
#category : #'Hierarchical-Roassal3-Menu'

{ #category : #public }
HAbstractMenuItem class >> buildIn: aMenuMorph shape: aRoassalShape visualization: anHSimpleVisualizationBuilder [
| items clazz |
clazz := self classFor: aRoassalShape.
items := clazz subclasses, { HInspectorMenuItem } collect: #new.
items := items groupedBy: [ :item | item group ].
items keys sorted do: [ :key | | group |
group := (items at: key) sorted: [ :a :b | a order < b order ].
group do: [ :item |
shape: aRoassalShape;
visualization: anHSimpleVisualizationBuilder;
buildOn: aMenuMorph ]
] separatedBy: [ aMenuMorph addSeparator ].


{ #category : #public }
HAbstractMenuItem class >> classFor: aRoassalShape [
aRoassalShape isShape
ifFalse: [ ^ HCanvasMenuItem ].
^ aRoassalShape isNode
ifTrue: [
(aRoassalShape canvas selectedShapes notEmpty
and: [ (aRoassalShape canvas selectedShapes includes: aRoassalShape)])
ifTrue: [ HGroupMenuItem ]
ifFalse: [ HNodeMenuItem ] ]
ifFalse: [ HLineMenuItem ]


{ #category : #accessing }
HAbstractMenuItem >> argument [
^ nil
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions src/Hierarchical-Roassal3-Menu/
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
I am a strategy for HMenuBuilder.
I define menu items that can be executed (or needed) for a given object.
Class {
#name : #HDefaultMenuItemStrategy,
#superclass : #Object,
#category : #'Hierarchical-Roassal3-Menu'

{ #category : #public }
HDefaultMenuItemStrategy >> classFor: aRoassalShape [
aRoassalShape isShape
ifFalse: [ ^ HCanvasMenuItem ].
^ aRoassalShape isNode
ifTrue: [
(aRoassalShape canvas selectedShapes notEmpty
and: [ (aRoassalShape canvas selectedShapes includes: aRoassalShape)])
ifTrue: [ HGroupMenuItem ]
ifFalse: [ HNodeMenuItem ] ]
ifFalse: [ HLineMenuItem ]


{ #category : #public }
HDefaultMenuItemStrategy >> menuItemClassesFor: aShape [

^ (self classFor: aShape) subclasses , { HInspectorMenuItem }
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/Hierarchical-Roassal3-Menu/
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@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
I build a roassal menu given a shape in a visualization.
Entry point is `buildIn: aMorph shape: aShape visualization: aCanvas`
Items in the menu are provided by the method `menuItemsFor:`
Class {
#name : #HMenuBuilder,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Hierarchical-Roassal3-Menu'

{ #category : #public }
HMenuBuilder >> buildIn: aMenuMorph shape: aRoassalShape visualization: anHSimpleVisualizationBuilder [

| items |
items := self groupItems: (self menuItemsFor: aRoassalShape).

buildIn: aMenuMorph
shape: aRoassalShape
visualization: anHSimpleVisualizationBuilder
withItems: items

{ #category : #public }
HMenuBuilder >> buildIn: aMenuMorph shape: aRoassalShape visualization: anHSimpleVisualizationBuilder withItems: items [

items keys sorted
do: [ :key |
| group |
group := (items at: key) sorted: [ :a :b | a order < b order ].
group do: [ :item |
shape: aRoassalShape;
visualization: anHSimpleVisualizationBuilder;
buildOn: aMenuMorph ] ]
separatedBy: [ aMenuMorph addSeparator ]

{ #category : #public }
HMenuBuilder >> groupItems: items [

^ items groupedBy: [ :item | item group ]

{ #category : #initialization }
HMenuBuilder >> initialize [

super initialize.
menuItemStrategy := HDefaultMenuItemStrategy new

{ #category : #accessing }
HMenuBuilder >> menuItemStrategy [

^ menuItemStrategy

{ #category : #accessing }
HMenuBuilder >> menuItemStrategy: anObject [

menuItemStrategy := anObject

{ #category : #public }
HMenuBuilder >> menuItemsFor: aShape [

^ (menuItemStrategy menuItemClassesFor: aShape) collect: #new
63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions src/Hierarchical-Roassal3-Tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Class {
#name : #HMenuBuilderTest,
#superclass : #TestCase,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Hierarchical-Roassal3-Tests'

{ #category : #running }
HMenuBuilderTest >> setUp [
super setUp.

menuBuilder := HMenuBuilder new.

{ #category : #tests }
HMenuBuilderTest >> testMenuForCanvas [

| items |
items := menuBuilder menuItemsFor: RSCanvas new.
self assert: items size equals: HCanvasMenuItem subclasses size + 1.
self assert:
(items anySatisfy: [ :i | i class = HInspectorMenuItem ])

{ #category : #tests }
HMenuBuilderTest >> testMenuForGroup [

| items shapes canvas |
canvas := RSCanvas new.
shapes := {
RSComposite new.
RSComposite new }.
canvas addAll: shapes.
canvas selectedShapes: shapes.
items := menuBuilder menuItemsFor: shapes first.
self assert: items size equals: HGroupMenuItem subclasses size + 1.

{ #category : #tests }
HMenuBuilderTest >> testMenuForLine [

| items |
items := menuBuilder menuItemsFor: RSLine new.
self assert: items size equals: HLineMenuItem subclasses size + 1.
self assert:
(items anySatisfy: [ :i | i class = HInspectorMenuItem ])

{ #category : #tests }
HMenuBuilderTest >> testMenuForNode [

| items canvas shape |
canvas := RSCanvas new.
shape := RSComposite new.
canvas add: shape.
items := menuBuilder menuItemsFor: shape.

self assert: items size equals: HNodeMenuItem subclasses size + 1.
self assert:
(items anySatisfy: [ :i | i class = HInspectorMenuItem ])
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ HSimpleVisualizationBuilder >> linkStyler: anHLinkStyler [
HSimpleVisualizationBuilder >> menuInteraction [
^ menuInteraction ifNil: [
menuInteraction := RSMenuActivable new
menuDo: [ :menu :aShape | HAbstractMenuItem
menuDo: [ :menu :aShape | HMenuBuilder new
buildIn: menu
shape: aShape
visualization: self ];
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