Welcome to my submission for the 4th round of the GenDev Scholarship! 🚀 I'm excited to present my implementation of the CHECK24 Messenger Challenge, building a seamless chat experience for service providers and customers.
This messenger application allows users to communicate seamlessly after a service provider sends a quote. The challenge involves creating both the backend and frontend components, providing a robust and enjoyable user experience.
Backend: Pythons FastAPI with PostgresDB for data persistence. Frontend: React.js (Vite) for a responsive and dynamic UI.
✅ Chat view: the same conversation should be viewable from both perspectives: customer and service provider (they should each have their own site/route, so that hypothetically a service provider on one device is able to chat with the customer on the other device)
✅ Overview over all chats: think about implementing simple(!) chat overviews for both perspectives to click into chats, too.
✅ Persistance: chats are mutable, so they should be persisted in a database/store of your choice and accessible via an unique identifier
✅ Scrolling pagination: the customer/service provider should be able to scroll through a chat (and its history) with a hypothetical length of 10000s of messages per chat (think about Pagination)
✅ Image and PDF attachments: The customer/service provider should be able to send messages with optional attachments like pictures or documents (PDF)
✅ Masking of sensible information: Any contactable data (phone, email, URL) within all messages should be masked as long as the conversation status is "quoted"
✅ Show sent message in chat without refreshing: Messages should appear within the chat as they were sent (without refreshing the page)
✅ Hide message field if rejected state: If a conversation status is "rejected" the message input field should disappear and actions should not be possible any longer
✅ Request customer reviews: Within the chat the service provider should be able to request a review from the customer once they've worked together (feature explicitly explained within our provided datasets)
✅ A quick screencast 🎥 of your final working app within your GitHub repository (+ optional a link to a live version to check out or an explanation how to start your app on our machines, see "How do I hand in my project?")
✅ Unread banner behaviour (highly appreciated)
✅ An extendable/generic message API format (consider whether your API design is also suitable for new product requirements e.g. new message types)
✅ Thumbnail processing (to improve UX)
✅ Live-Updates (Socket/Polling/...) - (in my case SSE)
❌ Start the conversation at the scroll offset of the first unread message
✅ Dockerize your system so that anyone can run it on their machine
✅ OpenAPI for backend <-> frontend communication (+ code generation)
✅ OAuth2-Integration
📚 Message Reactions
📚 User Search with Keywords from all users
✅ Paginated Chat view
(📚) On Database Level: Support for Thread Messages
✅ Implemented in Client and Server
📚 Only implemented in Server
❌ Not implemented
You can run the application via docker-compose. Therefore, you need access to the docker image of the server and client on ghcr.io.
docker login ghcr.io
Navigate to the project directory and export the following environment variables:
export SECRET_KEY=...
After that you can run:
docker-compose up
Clone the repository. Navigate to the project directory.
❗️ Do this first if you do not have generated the client
Navigate to '/server' and export/put the following env variable in an .env file:
If you have no running db you could also export the following env variable:
Afterwards, run the following command to generate the client:
python extract-openapi.py app.main:app
Before installing the requirements, think about creating a virtual environment.
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment. Afterwards, install the requirements and run the server.
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn app.main:app --reload --host
Navigate to '/client' and put the following env variable in an .env file:
Afterwards, install the requirements and run the server.
yarn install
yarn run generateAPI
yarn run dev
Short drafts and a demo video can be found under my nextcloud.
For any questions or clarifications, feel free to reach out to [email protected].
Thank you for the opportunity, and I look forward to your feedback! 😊