Repacls Version
- Added /GrantPerms and /DenyPerms. This command will ensure the account specified has the specified access to the path and all subdirectories/files within the path either via explicit or inherited permissions. The parameters of the command (<Name|Sid>:) is the same of that from ICACLS. For example, /GrantPerms Auditor:(CI)(OI)(RX) will check if 'Auditor' account has 'Read' to all subdirectories and, if it does not, will add read permissions with container and object inheritance enabled. This command is often useful to correct issues where a user or administrator has mistakenly removed an group from subdirectories due to intentionally broken inheritance. This command replaces /AddAccountIfMissing <Name|Sid> which is now aliased to /GrantPerms <Name|Sid>:(CI)(OI)(F).
- Correct variety of typos in help documentation. (Thanks Alex Hempy!)
32-Bit Executable
64-Bit Executable
Zip Files (Both 32-Bit And 64-Bit)