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tim-hm committed Oct 8, 2024
1 parent a82a922 commit 618a8b6
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Showing 35 changed files with 2,703 additions and 2 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// @generated by protoc-gen-es v2.1.0 with parameter "target=ts"
// @generated from file nillion/meta/v1/msg_pay_for.proto (package nillion.meta.v1, syntax proto3)
/* eslint-disable */

import type { GenFile, GenMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import { fileDesc, messageDesc } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import type { Message } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

* Describes the file nillion/meta/v1/msg_pay_for.proto.
export const file_nillion_meta_v1_msg_pay_for: GenFile = /*@__PURE__*/

* @generated from message nillion.meta.v1.MsgPayFor
export type MsgPayFor = Message<"nillion.meta.v1.MsgPayFor"> & {
* @generated from field: bytes resource = 1;
resource: Uint8Array;

* @generated from field: string from_address = 2;
fromAddress: string;

* @generated from field: repeated nillion.meta.v1.Amount amount = 3;
amount: Amount[];

* Describes the message nillion.meta.v1.MsgPayFor.
* Use `create(MsgPayForSchema)` to create a new message.
export const MsgPayForSchema: GenMessage<MsgPayFor> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_meta_v1_msg_pay_for, 0);

* @generated from message nillion.meta.v1.Amount
export type Amount = Message<"nillion.meta.v1.Amount"> & {
* @generated from field: string denom = 1;
denom: string;

* @generated from field: string amount = 2;
amount: string;

* Describes the message nillion.meta.v1.Amount.
* Use `create(AmountSchema)` to create a new message.
export const AmountSchema: GenMessage<Amount> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_meta_v1_msg_pay_for, 1);

77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions packages/client-vms/src/gen-proto/nillion/auth/v1/public_key_pb.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// @generated by protoc-gen-es v2.1.0 with parameter "target=ts"
// @generated from file nillion/auth/v1/public_key.proto (package nillion.auth.v1.public_key, syntax proto3)
/* eslint-disable */

import type { GenEnum, GenFile, GenMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import { enumDesc, fileDesc, messageDesc } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import type { Message } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

* Describes the file nillion/auth/v1/public_key.proto.
export const file_nillion_auth_v1_public_key: GenFile = /*@__PURE__*/

* A public key.
* Signatures associated to this public key must be a 64 bytes long sequence which is the result of the
* concatenation of the `r` and `s` scalars in the signature, each encoded in big endian.
* @generated from message nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKey
export type PublicKey = Message<"nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKey"> & {
* The type of this public key.
* @generated from field: nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKeyType key_type = 1;
keyType: PublicKeyType;

* The contents of this key.
* This is dependent on the `key_type` in this key:
* * For ED25519 it should be the curve point in its 32 byte compressed form.
* * For SECP256K1 it should be the curve point in its 33 byte compressed form.
* @generated from field: bytes contents = 2;
contents: Uint8Array;

* Describes the message nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKey.
* Use `create(PublicKeySchema)` to create a new message.
export const PublicKeySchema: GenMessage<PublicKey> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_auth_v1_public_key, 0);

* A public key type.
* @generated from enum nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKeyType
export enum PublicKeyType {
* An ED25519 public key.
* @generated from enum value: ED25519 = 0;
ED25519 = 0,

* A SECP256K1 public key.
* @generated from enum value: SECP256K1 = 1;
SECP256K1 = 1,

* Describes the enum nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKeyType.
export const PublicKeyTypeSchema: GenEnum<PublicKeyType> = /*@__PURE__*/
enumDesc(file_nillion_auth_v1_public_key, 0);

96 changes: 96 additions & 0 deletions packages/client-vms/src/gen-proto/nillion/auth/v1/token_pb.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// @generated by protoc-gen-es v2.1.0 with parameter "target=ts"
// @generated from file nillion/auth/v1/token.proto (package nillion.auth.v1.token, syntax proto3)
/* eslint-disable */

import type { GenFile, GenMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import { fileDesc, messageDesc } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import type { Timestamp } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wkt";
import { file_google_protobuf_timestamp } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/wkt";
import type { PublicKey } from "./public_key_pb";
import { file_nillion_auth_v1_public_key } from "./public_key_pb";
import type { Message } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

* Describes the file nillion/auth/v1/token.proto.
export const file_nillion_auth_v1_token: GenFile = /*@__PURE__*/
fileDesc("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", [file_google_protobuf_timestamp, file_nillion_auth_v1_public_key]);

* A signed authentication token.
* @generated from message nillion.auth.v1.token.SignedToken
export type SignedToken = Message<"nillion.auth.v1.token.SignedToken"> & {
* A `Token` serialized into bytes.
* @generated from field: bytes serialized_token = 1;
serializedToken: Uint8Array;

* The public key for the private key this token is signed with.
* @generated from field: nillion.auth.v1.public_key.PublicKey public_key = 2;
publicKey?: PublicKey;

* The serialized token signature.
* The signature must be generated using the private key corresponding to the `public_key` field
* over `sha256(serialized_token)`.
* @generated from field: bytes signature = 3;
signature: Uint8Array;

* Describes the message nillion.auth.v1.token.SignedToken.
* Use `create(SignedTokenSchema)` to create a new message.
export const SignedTokenSchema: GenMessage<SignedToken> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_auth_v1_token, 0);

* A token.
* @generated from message nillion.auth.v1.token.Token
export type Token = Message<"nillion.auth.v1.token.Token"> & {
* A nonce that adds entropy to this token.
* The nonce must be 32 bytes long and will be considered invalid otherwise.
* @generated from field: bytes nonce = 1;
nonce: Uint8Array;

* The identifier of the node this token is meant to be used against.
* This needs to match the target node's identity for the token to be considered valid, and is used to prevent
* a node from taking the token and impersonating the user.
* @generated from field: bytes target_identity = 2;
targetIdentity: Uint8Array;

* The timestamp at which this token expires.
* @generated from field: google.protobuf.Timestamp expires_at = 3;
expiresAt?: Timestamp;

* Describes the message nillion.auth.v1.token.Token.
* Use `create(TokenSchema)` to create a new message.
export const TokenSchema: GenMessage<Token> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_auth_v1_token, 1);

144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions packages/client-vms/src/gen-proto/nillion/compute/v1/invoke_pb.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
// @generated by protoc-gen-es v2.1.0 with parameter "target=ts"
// @generated from file nillion/compute/v1/invoke.proto (package nillion.compute.v1.invoke, syntax proto3)
/* eslint-disable */

import type { GenFile, GenMessage } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import { fileDesc, messageDesc } from "@bufbuild/protobuf/codegenv1";
import type { SignedReceipt } from "../../payments/v1/receipt_pb";
import { file_nillion_payments_v1_receipt } from "../../payments/v1/receipt_pb";
import type { Message } from "@bufbuild/protobuf";

* Describes the file nillion/compute/v1/invoke.proto.
export const file_nillion_compute_v1_invoke: GenFile = /*@__PURE__*/
fileDesc("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", [file_nillion_payments_v1_receipt]);

* A request to invoke a computation.
* @generated from message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InvokeComputeRequest
export type InvokeComputeRequest = Message<"nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InvokeComputeRequest"> & {
* The receipt that proves this operation was paid for.
* The receipt must be for a `InvokeCompute` operation.
* @generated from field: nillion.payments.v1.receipt.SignedReceipt signed_receipt = 1;
signedReceipt?: SignedReceipt;

* The value ids for previously stored values being used as parameters to this compute operation.
* @generated from field: repeated bytes value_ids = 2;
valueIds: Uint8Array[];

* The values being used as compute-time parameters, encoded in bincode format.
* @generated from field: bytes bincode_values = 3;
bincodeValues: Uint8Array;

* The bindings that define which input party in the program is which user in the network.
* @generated from field: repeated nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InputPartyBinding input_bindings = 4;
inputBindings: InputPartyBinding[];

* The bindings that define which output party in the program is which users in the network.
* @generated from field: repeated nillion.compute.v1.invoke.OutputPartyBinding output_bindings = 5;
outputBindings: OutputPartyBinding[];

* Describes the message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InvokeComputeRequest.
* Use `create(InvokeComputeRequestSchema)` to create a new message.
export const InvokeComputeRequestSchema: GenMessage<InvokeComputeRequest> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_compute_v1_invoke, 0);

* A response to a request to invoke a computation.
* @generated from message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InvokeComputeResponse
export type InvokeComputeResponse = Message<"nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InvokeComputeResponse"> & {
* An identifier for the execution of the computation.
* @generated from field: bytes compute_id = 1;
computeId: Uint8Array;

* Describes the message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InvokeComputeResponse.
* Use `create(InvokeComputeResponseSchema)` to create a new message.
export const InvokeComputeResponseSchema: GenMessage<InvokeComputeResponse> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_compute_v1_invoke, 1);

* The bindings for input parties in this program.
* @generated from message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InputPartyBinding
export type InputPartyBinding = Message<"nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InputPartyBinding"> & {
* The name of the party as defined in the program.
* @generated from field: string party_name = 1;
partyName: string;

* The user identity this party is being bound to.
* @generated from field: string user_id = 2;
userId: string;

* Describes the message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.InputPartyBinding.
* Use `create(InputPartyBindingSchema)` to create a new message.
export const InputPartyBindingSchema: GenMessage<InputPartyBinding> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_compute_v1_invoke, 2);

* The bindings for output parties in this program.
* @generated from message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.OutputPartyBinding
export type OutputPartyBinding = Message<"nillion.compute.v1.invoke.OutputPartyBinding"> & {
* The name of the party as defined in the program.
* @generated from field: string party_name = 1;
partyName: string;

* The user identities this party is being bound to.
* @generated from field: repeated string user_ids = 2;
userIds: string[];

* Describes the message nillion.compute.v1.invoke.OutputPartyBinding.
* Use `create(OutputPartyBindingSchema)` to create a new message.
export const OutputPartyBindingSchema: GenMessage<OutputPartyBinding> = /*@__PURE__*/
messageDesc(file_nillion_compute_v1_invoke, 3);


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