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Self-supervised 2D object detection competition entry using the FasterRCNN model

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Entry for ICCV 2021 Workshop: Self-supervised Learning for Next-Generation Industry-level Autonomous Driving competition - sslad2021.

Getting the data

Datasets used for all experiments are placed in subfolders under data/.

Download the provided main competition dataset from here, and place the extracted data into data/SSLAD-2D/ directory, so it can be found by the dataset loader.

Dataset loader classes are placed in subfolders under structures/ for each dataset. SSLAD dataset loader assumes training, testing and validation datasets are downloaded (~6GB) but does not require any unlabeled data to work correctly.

To test if the SSLAD dataset loader loads the downloaded data correctly, run:

python3 structures/sslad_2d/

Exploring the data

Explore the dataset by running scripts inside the exploring_data/ directory.

python3 exploring_data/
python3 exploring_data/
python3 exploring_data/
python3 exploring_data/

During training, the Trainer executes predictions on unlabeled data and saves them to annotation files. Following scripts are specific to analyzing prediction outputs from the trainer.

To display all predicted annotations run, providing the annotation save file and a starting image id:

python3 exploring_data/trainer_predictions/ ./competition_models/<session>/annotations/annotation_1.json 0

To display predicted annotations with their confidence scores, one by one, run, providing the annotation save file and a starting image id:

python3 exploring_data/trainer_predictions/ ./competition_models/<session>/annotations/annotation_1.json 0

To display predicted annotations in different score confidence ranges, run, providing the annotation save file, a starting image id and a score range step:

python3 exploring_data/trainer_predictions/ /media/nikola/DataDrive/sslad2021/competition_models/<session>/annotations/annotation_1.json 0 0.1

Warm-up experiments

Warm-up experiments used to get familiar with the competition topic can be found in playground/ along with a README with more information on them.

Competition model structure

Competition-related scripts are placed in competition_models/.

Faster RCNN model

Faster RCNN model, with backbone pretrained on ImageNet, can be trained with default parameters by running:

python3 competition_models/

Prediction examples on the validation set are displayed after the training.


Evaluation script can be tested on the model created by the script above by running:

python3 competition_models/

As per competition rules, the evaluator is calculating average precisions (AP) using the COCO evaluation API for every category, as well as the mean average precision(mAP). Calculation of mAP is custom, as different categories have different IoU thresholds. Results are returned as a list [mAP, AP1, ..., AP6].

Data Augmentation

Different augmentations can be applied to image instances. Those can be found in competition_models/ To preview them, run:

python3 competition_models/

Trainer algorithm

Training is initialized by training the initial model on the training set. After that training proceeds with the following algorithm:

  1. The best model of the previous iteration (or the initial model) is loaded
  2. The loaded model is used to label a few previously unused chunks of unlabeled data
  3. Each chunk is individually added to the training set and the model is trained on them
  4. All models corresponding to different chunks are evaluated using the validation set
  5. All models, evaluation results and annotations are stored
  6. Repeat

During each iteration, progress is saved so that it can be continued later. When running the training, a session id can be specified, so that all generated content is stored in the session-specific folder, enabling running multiple sessions with different algorithm parameters.

To start the training run, providing the session id:

python3 competition_models/ 1

To visualize model validation scores through iterations run, providing the session id:

python3 competition_models/ 1

To generate predictions in the competition compatible format run, providing the session id and 'validation' or 'testing' to indicate the data set. Generated annotation file will be stored in the session annotations directory.

python3 competition_models/ 1 testing

To display generated predictions image by image run, providing the session id and 'validation' or 'testing' to indicate the data set:

python3 competition_models/ 1 testing


Model Dataset Mean AP Pedestrian AP Cyclist AP Car AP Truck AP Tram AP Tricycle AP
Baseline Validation 58.04 61.90 73.40 73.96 57.04 53.85 28.13
Our model Validation 68.78 62.46 78.99 86.17 76.55 75.37 33.14
Our model Testing 52.39 51.00 63.68 78.56 61.60 51.20 8.34

* The validation set can be overfitted as it is also used for training

The validation and testing predictions submitted for the competition are included in the session_2 directory and can be previewed using the scripts explained above.


Self-supervised 2D object detection competition entry using the FasterRCNN model






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