The basic concept of this app is ephemeral geolocalized photo and video sharing. A media can be viewed only in a certain radius around the original posting spot, and will be deleted after a certain duration. Viewers can also rate photos, which has 2 consequences :
- popular medias remain alive longer and/or have a wider radius
- user profiles have a “karma” indicator, based on the popularity of their posts
Lastly, most popular nearby posts would be displayed on a map in-app.
- User can take a picture from the smartphone, which will create a Spot (place from/around which other users can see the picture) -20H
- User can see the pictures taken near his location -7H
- User can easily login using facebook connect or google or tequila -5H
- User has a map in which pins locate pictures taken -3H
- Pictures expire after a certain duration or number of views -4H
- User can upvote the best photos -3H
- Original posters get “Karma" from votes -3H
- Most upvoted pictures live longer and have a wider radius -3H
- Instead of pins, a "color gradient" indicates the amount of photos accessible at a given location -10H
- User can apply text message to his photos (snapchat-like) -8H
- User can post a limited amount of picture (in function of karma and picture opened) -5H
- User can report offensive pictures -4H
- User can comments picture -20H
- User can apply filters to his photos -30H
- User can share videos too -30H
- Application can compute an itinerary to a Spot -20H
- friends in-app 10H
- Research how to access smartphone’s camera to store photos and videos + micro-tests - 3 hours
- Research how to access smartphone’s GPS and how to use it - 3 hours
- Research how to implement server access which we’ll use for the app - 6 hours
- Start designing and implementing GUI - 6 hours