A collection of useful MATLAB routines I've written and collected over the years, many called by programs in other repositories. The code can easily be translated to the Python numpy module (keeping in mind that MATLAB indexing starts at 1).
M-file | Description / Example |
getclosest | Find the closest elements, by absolute value, of one vector to another; returns an index |
actual = [0 10 20 30 40 50]; desired = [-2 0 9 11 24 26 165]; output = [1 1 2 2 3 4 6] | |
spaceout | Expand vector of integers (such as representing an index) or booleans forward and backwards by integer 'space' |
input = [34 35 36 90]; space = 2; output = [32 33 34 35 36 37 38 88 89 90 91 92] | |
cleanmean | Calculate the mean and std of a vector or array, excluding values outside a set range |
getstd | Get std. deviation of an array, excluding points defined by an index (invoking spaceout.m) |
readExcel | Generic function to read in columns from an Excel spread sheet |
lookforfiles | Get the name of all files from a directory matching a desired pattern |
compare_structures | Determine whether two structures have matching fields containing identical values |
struct2array | Combine N-length numeric values from a field in an M-length structure to a single M*N array |
zerocell | Create an M-dimensional cell array that contains N-dimensional all-zero matrices |
augmatrix | Extend the rows of a square matrix using linear interpolation or simple mirroring around the diagonal pivot |
draggable | Third-party function to allow graphic objects to be dragged; I added a callback routine, now available in a more on the Mathworks File Exchange, to facilitate the manual creation of boxes around data points in a scatter plot (e.g. for semi-supervised classification of neural spike waveforms) |
findjobj | Third-party function to find a java object within a Matlab graphics object, specified by its handle |
sgfilter | Third-party function to implement a smoothing FIR filter via local least-squares fitting |
xticklabel_rotate | Third-party function to easily rotate x-axis labels by a specified number of degrees |
readExcel | Read columns from an Excel spread sheet from a specified page using instructions for column/row ranges; output is a 1x1 structure, with a different field for each output vector or 2-D matrix |
tryload | Load specific variables (wildcard "*" accepted) into a structure or workspace |
make_vararray | Transform scalars or vectors to an array of permutations of their elements, using the MATLAB function NDGRID |
var1 = [ 0 30 60 90 ], var2 = [ 100 200 ]; output = [ 0 30 60 90 0 30 60 90 ; 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 ] | |
useful | A random assortment of code snippets I've found useful for reference |