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Neriderc edited this page Feb 18, 2023 · 9 revisions

If you're having trouble with the module, and your issue isn't covered on this page, then please create an issue with a description of the problem and what isn't working, and we will try to help.

Older versions of webtrees

This GVExport repository tries to keep pace with the latest version of webtrees. If you're using the latest version, and are having issues, please check the issues page for an issue about it (and comment that you are also having the issue), or create a new issue if you can't find anything related to your issue.

If you're using an older version of webtrees 2.1, see the releases page for previous releases. Earlier versions may work with your version, though the most recent features will not be included.

If you're using webtrees 2.0, see this repository from the previous maintainer, though note that recent features are not included.

Error about memory when generating browser preview

This error can be caused by attempting to show too many records in the browser output. Typically if you have Graphviz installed on the server, you can download another format (e.g. JPG) and it should work. If you don't have Graphviz installed on the server, you could reduce the number of records being displayed (e.g. by reducing the number of generations included), or you could download the DOT file and use software to do the generation as per this post.

Choosing not to include URLs or photos can also help in some cases.

Internal Server Error 500

An internal server error could be anything, and it's best to check the logs to see what the issue is.

Past solutions include:

Increase memory available to PHP

As per this reply, increase memory by editing the files:

.etc/php7.4/php.ini and /etc/php8.1/php.ini

To set: memory_limit = 512M

You could also try not including photos.

Words outside box in browser render

On some operating systems, the words can overrun the boxes. See issue #37 for a picture of this and for more discussion on the issue.

This seems to be related to the default fonts used. All Linux operating systems tested displayed this issue, but it could not be reliably reproduced on Windows. To resolve on Windows, you can change the default font in the "config.php" file. Change the line $GVE_CONFIG["default_fontname"] = "Sans"; to another font. "Arial" and "Times New Roman" are known to work.

Your browser does not support exporting images this large

If you get this error message while exporting an image from GVExport, this is because the "canvas" that is used in the browser has a maximum size. If the size of the image is larger than this, it will fail. There are some things to try.

  • Export as SVG - this does not require using the browser canvas, though support for showing SVG images can be poor outside of browsers and dedicated software. Modern browsers can show SVG well so this can still be a viable format.
  • Reduce the DPI (in the advanced options of the Appearance section) - this is the resolution of the image. By reducing the DPI the image size is reduced, but reducing too far can make it difficult to read text and photos can be blurry.
  • Reduce the number of records - If you family tree is particularly big, try reducing the number of generations included. In particular, the "anyone" option can cause a large number of non-relatives to be included, so disabling this may help.
  • Install Graphviz on the server - if your server supports it and you have access to install software, installing Graphviz means the image can be generated on the server, getting around the browser limitation.