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NecklaceTeam issues

Necklace is a tiny, imperative, statically, strongly typed language with Elixir-like syntax.


  • ints and bool types
  • pointer support
  • while loops
  • if statements

Contribution roles

  • Engineering & Language Design: @MaksymilianDemitraszek @pagmerek
  • Testing: @Qqkyu

Example code

function main do
    a: bool;
    b: int;

    b = 5;
    while (b > 0) do
        b = b - 1;

You can find more examples in examples/ and more detailed documentation in documentation/docs.pdf


Test are located in test/ dir. To run them on your machine run

stack test

Installation guide


  1. llvm9 on you linux machine
  2. If llvm-hs does not detect llvm-config-9 you can symlink it as llvm-conifg and add it to the PATH.

How to start

You need installed llvm9 and stack

$ stack install alex happy
$ stack install
$ stack run necklace-exe `<file_name>.nck`

stack should rebuild lexer and parser on run, but if you need to do it by hand you can do

alex src/Compiler/Lexer.x -o src/Compiler/Lexer.hs
happy src/Compiler/Parser.y -o src/Compiler/Parser.hs

Run shelltests

Run all tests


Run tests under one directory

./ <directory_name>

Future plans

  • floats
  • structs
  • bind <variable> <function> statement, which binds given function to a variable. After that whenever that variable changes, that function runs