A php-cs-fixer wrapper for the Emacs editor.
Allows in the Emacs editor to fix most issues in PHP code when you want to follow the coding standards PSR-1 and PSR-2.
Under the hood, this package provides the customisable Elisp command php-cs-fix wich wraps the command line php-cs-fixer version >=2.0 provided by the powerful PHP Coding Standards Fixer
Using straight
(use-package php-cs-fixer
:straight (:type git :repo "Nazar65/emacs-php-cs-fixer")
:after php-mode)
This package requires that the `cl-lib` package was installed.
Try `M-x php-cs-fix [ret]` when editing a PHP file.
If you want an automatic fix when saving all php files, place this code in your Emacs configuration file the line :
(add-hook 'php-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'php-cs-fixer-before-save)))
- php-cs-fixer-rules-config-file the ‘php-cs-fixer’ –config option value (default is nil) value is th path to .php-cs-fixer.dist.php file
- php-cs-fixer-command : the ‘php-cs-fixer’ command (default is “php-cs-fixer”) ;
Try `M-x customize-group [ret] php-cs-fixer [ret]` to modify the values of these variables.