Binary classification problem for DNA region strings
###Brief Background In genetics, an enhancer is a short (100-1000 base pairs) region of DNA that can be bound by proteins (activators) to increase the likelihood transcription will occur at a gene. Promoter is a similar sized region of the DNA that initiates transcription of a particular gene.
###Problem Given a DNA region of 1000 base pairs, predict if it is an enhancer or a promoter. In other words, given a string with 1000 characters (A/C/G/T) you have to classify it into one of two possible classes based on its sequence, classify a genomic region as either a promoter or an enhancer (binary classification).
- It may be helpful to think of the genome as a document written in an unknown language where words are allowed to overlap
- The simplest way to run the helper code is to install anaconda python v2, and then pip install pysam
- The regions are of variable lengths, but the program gets and centers the regions in a 1000 bp window.
- Data (you may need to subsample the data):
Using Random Forest Classifier and pandas dummy variables for tackling missing data (i.e. different size input strings) in a way that every character in the dna string is a feature with 4 possible values ('A','C','T','G') encoded in such a way that its occurrence is modelled with (1) and otherwise (0).
##### Example of output:
Registered 27500 regions and 27500 labels
Unique region values: 24817
Creating model...
Score is...
10-fold Train CV | Accuracy: 0.721 +/- 0.0
Benchmark using Ridge Classifier, Perceptron, Passive-Aggressive, kNN, Random forest. This method uses a sparse tf-idf vectorizer to extract features (taking the string values as part of a language vocabulary), and a chi-squared test to select the best performing features.
RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=True, class_weight=None, criterion='gini',
max_depth=None, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=100, n_jobs=1,
oob_score=False, random_state=None, verbose=0,
train time: 76.110s
test time: 12.167s
accuracy: 0.731
training times: [ 1.13212160e-03 1.20041741e-03 1.33371359e-03 9.37728209e-05
test_times: [ 3.05685348e-05 3.46051490e-05 2.67082775e-05 4.60738087e-01
### To run the unittest:
`$py tests/`