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Nels edited this page Sep 16, 2020 · 1 revision


  • pytest is one of the most widely used unit/integration testing platforms for python.
  • pytest does not break all previously written tests. By default, it runs native unittest's.
  • unittest's cli discovery feature lacks the capability to find test code in namespace style packages, so a pivot to pytest is natural given that trait alone.
  • pytest has an easy and less involved api. This cuts down on boilerplate code than the unittest package excels in.
  • pytest is to testing as pandas is to DataFrames. The package is actively developed and has a huge community -- its a safe dependency to add.
  • pytest comes with the ability to make mocks and stub objects easily through its built in monkypatch's.
  • Tests can be run in parallel using pytest-xdist, something unittest lacks.

Unittest vs Pytest

This is a very high level comparison. The expectation is that the reader have some knowledge and experience with the unittest package.

Python's unittest was introduced to the standard lib in version 2.1. It is a robust framework heavily inspired by JUnit. The framework is used by many and is not a bad choice as a testing framework.

makes it easy to write small tests, yet scales to support complex functional testing for applications and libraries.

The framework offers everything that unittest can do in a more concisely typed manor including running unittest tests.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons unittest pytest unittest pytest Native support Compact syntax that simplifies the process Uses non-pythonic camelCase Something new to learn Will be most common to new comers from academia Simplified implementation of fixtures that don't require creating a class Overly complex assert api implementation Added project dependency Excellent test discovery Excess boilerplate code Easy mock/stubs through its monkeypatches Not easy to read Feature rich, but balanced for all users Color output is not supported Color output Sometimes struggles to integrate with IDEs Mark tests and change when/if they run Lower entry barrier for TDD and writing tests in general

Example syntactical difference

Here is the example code that we want to test. A simple class that takes in a list of numbers and does operations on that list.

from functools import reduce

class NumericalListOperation:
  def __init__(self, list_of_numbers):
    self.list_of_numbers = list_of_numbers

  def sum(self):
    """ Return the instance list's sum"""
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, self.list_of_numbers)

  def mean(self):
    """ Return the instance list's mean"""
    return self.sum() / len(self.list_of_numbers)

Writing a few tests using pytest.

import pytest

# local import
from listoperation import NumericalListOperation

# Notice, construction of NumericalListOperation is handled
# in func -- in a later example, ill show how to use fixtures to do this
def test_sum():
  """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
  test_list = [1,2,3]
  numerical_list_operation = NumericalListOperation(test_list)
  assert numerical_list_operation.sum() == 6

def test_mean():
  """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
  test_list = [1,2,3]
  numerical_list_operation = NumericalListOperation(test_list)
  assert numerical_list_operation.mean() == 2

Running the test using pytest from the command line

foo@bar:~$ # -v supplies a verbose output. Meaning it prints the PASSED tests
foo@bar:~$ # To output `print` statements in tests use -s (for all streams)
foo@bar:~$ pytest -v
collected 2 items                                                              PASSED                                                  [ 50%] PASSED                                                 [100%]

=================================== 2 passed in 0.01s ===================================

Writing the same tests using unittest.

import unittest

# local import
from listoperation import NumericalListOperation

class TestNumericalListOperation(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_sum(self):
        """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
        test_list = [1, 2, 3]
        numerical_list_operation = NumericalListOperation(test_list)
        self.assertEqual(numerical_list_operation.sum(), 6)

    def test_mean(self):
        """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
        test_list = [1, 2, 3]
        numerical_list_operation = NumericalListOperation(test_list)
        self.assertEqual(numerical_list_operation.mean(), 2)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Running the tests using unittest from the command line

foo@bar:~$ # -v supplies a verbose output. Meaning it prints the tests which ran, both passed and failed
foo@bar:~$ python -m unittest -v
test_mean (test_listoperation.TestNumericalListOperation)
Test sum of list is computed properly ... ok
test_sum (test_listoperation.TestNumericalListOperation)
Test sum of list is computed properly ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 0.000s


pytest fixture and unittest setUp and tearDown examples

Using pytest fixture decorator to setup and tear down class instance.

def numerical_list_operation_fixture_simple():
    test_list = [1, 2, 3]
    class_instance = NumericalListOperation(test_list)
    return class_instance  # Give class instance object to test

def test_sum_with_simple(numerical_list_operation_fixture_simple):
    """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
    assert numerical_list_operation_fixture_simple.sum() == 6

# Fixture with setup and tear down
# Everything before `yield` is the setup, everything after is tear down
def numerical_list_operation_fixture():
    test_list = [1, 2, 3]
    class_instance = NumericalListOperation(test_list)

    # Setup fixture
    print("\nSetting up `numerical_list_operation_fixture`")

    yield class_instance  # Give class instance object to test

    # Get back from test and tear down
    print("\nTearing down `numerical_list_operation_fixture`")
    class_instance.list_of_numbers = None
    del class_instance

def test_sum_with_setup_and_tear_down_fixture(numerical_list_operation_fixture):
    """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
    assert numerical_list_operation_fixture.sum() == 6

Run each test individually

foo@bar:~$ pytest test_listoperation::test_sum_with_simple -v -s
collected 1 item                                                       PASSED

=================================== 1 passed in 0.03s ===================================

foo@bar:~$ pytest -v -s
collected 1 item                                                       
Setting up `numerical_list_operation_fixture`
Tearing down `numerical_list_operation_fixture`

=================================== 1 passed in 0.03s ===================================

Using unittest's setUp and tearDown methods.

class TestNumericalListOperationWithSetup(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        test_list = [1, 2, 3]
        self.numerical_list_operation = NumericalListOperation(test_list)

    def tearDown(self):
        self.numerical_list_operation.list_of_numbers = None
        del self.numerical_list_operation

    def test_sum(self):
        """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
        self.assertEqual(self.numerical_list_operation.sum(), 6)

    def test_mean(self):
        """ Test sum of list is computed properly """
        self.assertEqual(self.numerical_list_operation.mean(), 2

Running the setup and tear down unittests using pytest

foo@bar:~$ pytest -v -s
collected 2 items                                                      PASSED PASSED

=================================== 2 passed in 0.03s ===================================

Examples takeaway

As shown, there is added complexity when using unittest. The more complex api renders tests less readable and requiring a lot of boilerplate code. Those who may not be use to python's decorator syntax may be thrown by the example. I would suggest further reading on that topic given their prevalence in python 3.5+ code.

pytest features worth mentioning

  • Marks: pytest feature to tag tests with a user defined metadata. This allows the tester to alter test behavior. One example is a slow mark which can be used to blacklist certain tests by default.
  • Monkeypatchs: pytest object that can mock or stub an object in your test easily.
  • Parametrize: Default pytest mark for super charging tests with different inputs

By using the pytest.mark helper you can easily set metadata on your test functions.

Note, here only a few example use cases are show. However, the possibilities for pytest.mark implementation are vast. It's highly encouraged to checkout the pytest.mark api docs if interested in wider use cases.

Built in pytest.mark's worth mentioning

To use any of the below, simply decorate the test with @pytest.mark.{ the-default-mark }

  • xfail - produce an “expected failure”. Should be used when a test's functionality has not been implemented fully

  • skipif - skip a test if a condition is met.

    • Example:
     import sys
     @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == "win32", reason="does not run on windows")
     def test_function():
       # do some test things
  • parametrize this is a must know Ive devoted a section to it below. Allows user to pass parameters or a parameter combination to a test.

User defined pytest.mark's

As previously mentioned, these allow you to add user defined metadata to a test. These marks can be filtered among other things, to just run tests with a given mark or run all tests that don't have a given mark.

Things to know ahead of time:

  • pytest uses 2 main setup files, they both live at the repos root:

    1. pytest.ini - Where you define marks so pytest knows about them
    2. - Where you can tell pytest how to change its default behavior

So, if you want to use a custom mark, you must at least define it in pytest.ini


markers =
    slow: marks tests as slow (deselect with '-m "not slow"')

To use an example, one might write an integration test that hit a REST API over the wire or a test that takes a really long time. It's not bad practice to have these sorts of tests, however running them all the time would be a poor use of time. Using a user defined mark could resolve this problem.

Reminder slow must be added to pytest.ini. This marker is used in this project already, so don't worry about it.


# User defined mark
# This mark *IS* used in this repo and runs on the CI every Monday at 10 UTC.
def test_rest_endpoint():

To run a specific mark or its negation in the cli:

foo@bar:~$ pytest -m "slow"
foo@bar:~$ pytest -m "not slow"

We want to change the behavior of this mark. We want tests marked slow only to run when a user passes a flag to the pytest cli. To do this, the features needs to be added in The parser object in the below is example is an argparse-like object if that helps. Here the flag --run-slow or -S for short are added. In pytest_configure the behavior of the mark is changed. In short, by default the cli is told pytest -m "not slow" unless --run-slow | -S are passed.

import pytest

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    # Add flag to `pytest` to run tests decorated with:
    # @pytest.mark.slow
    # Mark was defined in pytest.ini
        help="run slow tests",

def pytest_configure(config):
    if config.option.runslow is False:
        # If --run-slow not specified, do not run slow marked tests by default
        setattr(config.option, "markexpr", "not slow")

Monkeypatchs, Pytests unittest.mock wrapper

Sometimes tests need to invoke functionality which depends on global settings or which invokes code which cannot be easily tested such as network access. The monkeypatch fixture helps you to safely set/delete an attribute, dictionary item or environment variable, or to modify sys.path for importing.

This functionality allows the user to modifying the behavior of a function or the property of a class for a test. For example a web api call or database connection. For more information I highly recommend checking out the pytest docs on this topic. Here I will just be showing one usage of monkeypatches. We use requests heavily in this project, so for scope sake, we will monkeypatch a requests.get call in a simple example.

import requests

def get_request_to_json(url: str) -> dict:
  req = requests.get(url)

  if req.status_code < 202:
    return req.json()

    raise requests.ConnectionError(f"Received non 200 or 201 reply.\nStatus code: {req.status_code}")

So the question is, how can we write a fake request.get response to use in our test?

import pytest

# local imports
from simple_request import get_request_to_json

# monkeypatch object is magically imported by pytest.
def test_get_request_to_json_pass(monkeypatch):

  #  import requests for monkeypatch. 
  # This does not have to be done in this scope
  import requests

  def  wrapper_func(*args, **kwargs):
    # This isnt used in this example, but for general knowledge 
    # args[0] is the url passed by get_request_to_json made below -> "http://fake.response"
    return FakeRequests()

  # monkeypatch will look for `requests.get` call and replace `request.get` with the passed function
  monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", wrapper_func)
  # call function that uses `requests.get` call
  json_res = get_request_to_json("http://fake.response")

  assert json_res == {"fake":"response"}

class FakeRequests:
  """ Mocked requests object """
  def __init__(self, status_code: int = 200):
    # Set default status code to 200
    self.status_code = status_code

  def json():
    # requests.json call back message after monkeypatch
    return {"fake":"response"}

Understandably, this example may be a bit hard to follow. What is happening here in a crued since, is that the monkeypatch looks for the requests.get call made in get_request_to_json. When it find it, it does something like this

# in `get_request_to_json`
  requests.get = FakeRequests()

  # req now has the attiributes of the `FakeRequests` object
  req = requests.get(url)

So, the request objects get method is set to an instance of our FakeRequests class. Fancy things are done in the background so that the instance methods of a typical requests.get call are not lost, just the ones provide override their typical implimentation.