A Python-based 2D Game engine, inspired by Unity3D
Example project included.
--- This game engine is based on Python and OpenGL. It only uses PyGame to load image files as strings, the rest is processed by the BEKA Game Engine.
1/Open GameLauncher.Py
2/Modify "Keeper" to your Game project file name. Eg: if your game file is called MyGame.Py, replace Keeper with MyGame
3/Run GameLauncher.Py
-Note: PyGame is required to load images. To install it, open a cmd window then type: pip install pygame
● GameObject: A base class for all Objects in the scene.
name: string
A string that defines GameObject's name.
position: float[]
A 3-element float array that determines GameObject's position in World Coordinates.
scale: float[]
A 3-element float array that determines GameObject's scale.
angle: float
A float that determines GameObject's orientation in Euler angles.
smoothDamping: bool
A bool that determines whether this GameObject uses smooth damping for movement. When enabled, it uses smooth damping. When disabled, it uses linear movement.
setPos(positionArray): function
A function that directly sets the position of the GameObject.
- positionArray: A 3-element float array that contains the new position of x, y and z of the GameObject in order.
setScale(scaleArray): function
A function that sets the scale of the GameObject.
- scaleArray: A 3-element float array that contains the new scale of x, y and z of the GameObject in order.
getScale(): function
A function that returns the scale array of the GameObject.
- Parameters: None
getPos(): function
A function that returns the position array of the GameObject.
- Parameters: None
getAngle(): function
A function that returns the rotation angle of the GameObject.
- Parameters: None
loadInitialPosition(): function
A function that returns the initial position array that the GameObject was instantiated with.
- Parameters: None
Instantiate(positionArray = [0, 0, 0], scaleArray = [1, 1, 1],Angle = 0): function
A function that creates an instance of the GameObject.
- positionArray: A 3-element float array that contains the instantiate position of x, y and z of the GameObject in order.
- scaleArray: A 3-element float array that contains the initial scale of the GameObject.
- Angle: A float value that determines the initial rotation of the GameObject.
move(TargetArray,StepX,StepY,SmoothDamping = True): function
A function that moves GameObject to a certain location, using either linear transition or smooth damping.
- TargetArray: A 3-element float array that contains the target position of x, y and z of the GameObject in order.
- StepX: A float value that determines the maximum movement speed in X axis.
- StepY: A float value that determines the maximum movement speed in Y axis.
- SmoothDamping: A bool that when enabled, uses smooth damping for GameObject's transition to the new location.
RotateObject(TargetAngle,Step): function
A function that gradually rotates GameObject to a target angle.
- TargetAngle: A float value that determines the target angle that the GameObject should reach.
- Step: A float value that determines the rotation speed.
setName(Name): function
A function that sets the name of the GameObject.
- Name: A string that contains the new name for the GameObject.
● SpriteRenderer: A class that enables game objects to have a sprite, and renders it.
flipX: bool
Bool that flips sprite in X axis when enabled.
flipY: bool
Bool that flips sprite in Y axis when enabled.
FlipX(): function
A function that changes flipX state.
- Parameters: None
FlipY(): function
A function that changes flipY state.
- Parameters: None
setColor(newColor): function
A function that sets the color of the sprite.
- newColor: A 4-element array, carrying value of Red,Green,Blue and Alpha in order. each of the 4 elements vary from 0 to 1.
setDensity(newDensity): function
A function that sets the pixel density of the sprite in the scene.
- newDensity: A float value that determines the new density of the sprite.
DrawSprite(TextureCoordX1 = 0, TextureCoordX2 = 0, TextureCoordY1 = 0, TextureCoordY2 = 0, WidthToHeightRatio = 1): function
A function that draws the sprite in the game window.
- TextureCoordX1: A float value that determines the starting X point of the sprite in the selected Image.
- TextureCoordX2: A float value that determines the end X point of the sprite in the selected Image.
- TextureCoordY1: A float value that determines the starting Y point of the sprite in the selected Image.
- TextureCoordY2: A float value that determines the starting Y point of the sprite in the selected Image.
- WidthToHeightRatio: A float value that is required to show sprites in the way they should be. Calculate it using SpriteMeasurer provided with the BEKA Game Engine.
SmoothDamp(current, target, maxVelocity): function
A function that makes a smooth transition between a current value and a target value.
- current: The current value that you want to make a transition from. Constantly provide the function with this value to retrieve the velocity of transition.
- target: Target value that you want to reach. Can be either static or dynamic.
- maxVelocity: A float value that represents the velocity that you don't want your object to exceed, Regardless of its distance to the target value.
● Rigidbody: A class that adds physics simulation to your game object.
gameObject: GameObject
The GameObject to which this Rigidbody class is attached.
gravityAcceleration: float
An integer value that determines the gravity acceleration value for your game. Default is 9.8
gravityScale: float
Gravity acceleration factor. Default is 1
linearDrag: float
A value that determines the Rigidbody's linear drag factor. Used for simulating air resistance or friction. Default is 0.5
angularDrag: float
A value that determines the Rigidbody's angular drag factor. Default is 0.01
mass: float
A value that determines the Rigidbody's mass. Default is 1
setMass(Mass): function
A function that sets rigidbody's mass.
- Mass: The new mass value for the Rigidbody.
AddForce(Force = 1.0, Direction = [1,0]): function
A function that adds a force to the Rigidbody using a value and a vector.
- Force: The amount of force to be added to the Rigidbody.
- Direction: A 2-element array containing the direction of the applied force in X and Y axis in order.
AddForceAtPosition(Force = 1.0, ForcePoint = [0,0], Direction = [1,0]): function
A function that adds a force to the Rigidbody using a value and a vector.
- Force: The amount of force to be added to the Rigidbody.
- ForcePoint: A 2-element array containing the point in which the force should be added, in world coordinates.
- Direction: A 2-element array containing the direction of the applied force in X and Y axis in order.
AddTorque(Force = 1.0): function
A function that adds a torque to the Rigidbody. Rotates it anti-clockwise.
- Force: The amount of force to be added to the Rigidbody as torque.
simulate(): function
The main function that processes and simulates the Rigidbody physics. Constantly call this function every frame or game time instance to get your Rigidbody physics to work.
- Parameters: None
● GameImages: A class that enables you to use image files in the game, mostly to use with Sprites.
Properties and Methods:
imageNames: string[]
An array of string containing the names of the image files you wish to import to your game, followed by extension. Eg: ["Beka.png", "Game.jpg"]
currentImage: int
A Read-Only integer value that determines which image is currently in use.
imageCount: int
An integer value that determines the amount of image files to load by the game engine.
curImage(CurrentImage = 1): function
A function that sets the current image file in use.
- CurrentImage: An integer value that is used to select an image to use.
getImageCount(): function
A function that returns the amount of images that are loaded by the game engine.
● UI: A base class for UI Elements, such as Buttons and Texts.
Properties and Methods:
gameObject: GameObject
The GameObject that holds this UI Element.
spriteRenderer: SpriteRenderer
The SpriteRenderer attached to this UI Element, Responsible for rendering it.
type: string
A string containing the UI Element's type, can be "button" or "char".
Hovering: bool
A bool that determines whether mouse pointer is hovering over the button.
normalColor: int[]
A 4-element array containing a button's normal color, while it's neither hovered over nor pressed.
hoverColor: int[]
A 4-element array containing a button's color while it's hovered over.
pressedColor: int[]
A 4-element array containing a button's color while it's pressed.
onClickFunction: function
The function that should be called when a button is clicked.
type: string
A string containing the UI Element's type, can be "button" or "char".
char: string
A 1-character string that contains the UI Text's character.
Create(Type = "button", Letter = 'A'): function
A function that creates a UI Element.
- Type: A string that determines UI Element's type.
- Letter: A string character that contains the UI character.
DrawUI(mouseX = 0, mouseY = 0, TextureCoordX1 = 0, TextureCoordX2 = 0, TextureCoordY1 = 0, TextureCoordY2 = 0, WidthToHeightRatio = 1): function
A function that draws UI elements. must be constantly called in game's draw function.
- mouseX: Pointer's X position.
- mouseY: Pointer's Y position.
- TextureCoordX1: Button sprite's start X point in the spritesheet.
- TextureCoordX2: Button sprite's end X point in the spritesheet.
- TextureCoordY1: Button sprite's start Y point in the spritesheet.
- TextureCoordY2: Button sprite's end Y point in the spritesheet.
- WidthToHeightRatio: Button sprite's width to height ratio.
setOnClick(fun): function
A function that sets the function that should be called whenever UI button is clicked.
- fun: The function that should be called when UI button is clicked.
GameObjects: list --- A list that contains all active GameObject instances in the game.
UIs: list --- A list that contains all active UI instances in the game.
drawText(text = "text", textPosition = [0,0,0], textSize = 1, textColor = [1,1,1,1]): function
A function that directly draws a text on the screen, using a custom font.
- Parameters:
- text: A string that contains the text that should be shown on screen.
- textPosition: A 3-element array that contains the text's position.
- textSize: A float that sets text size.
- textColor: A 4-element array containing text's color.
- Parameters:
drawChar(char = "A", charPosition = [0,0,0], charSize = 1, charColor = [1,1,1,1]): function
A function that directly draws a text on the screen, using a custom font.
- Parameters:
- char: A string that contains the character that should be shown on screen.
- charPosition: A 3-element array that contains the char's position.
- charSize: A float that sets charsize.
- charColor: A 4-element array containing char color.
- Parameters:
- Font included is Rick and Morty's Calligraphr-Regular font, I do NOT own it. If you wish to use this engine for non-personal use, make sure to contact font owner and ask for permission.
- Included images and sounds are only for test purposes, no copyright infringement intended. do NOT use for non-personal purposes before contacting media owners and asking them for permission. Otherwise, it is your responsibility.
- Main Contributor: Karim Salah
- Co-Contributors:
- Omar El Leboudy (Implemented colliders)
- Bola Fahmi
- Ahmed Reda