Compile with:
g++ src/*.cc -lpigpio -lrt -lpthread -o grip-control
- lpigpio is for the pigpio library, used for the GPIOs (
- lrt is required by pigpio. Used for realtime.
- lpthread is used to seperate a thread for checking inputs independent from the main program.
The code should have sufficient comments to grasp the in and outs.
_________________________________ | PINS ON HARDWARE: | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____ 3.3v|-- --|-- open_grip| 2 --|-- close_grip| 3 --|GND kill_sw| 4 14|green_led GND|-- 15|red_led bottom_side|17 18|-- top_side|27 --|-- close_end_switch|22 23|blue_led 3.3v|-- 24|yellow_led open_end_switch|10 --|GND open_grip_ur| 9 25|-- close_grip_ur|11 8|-- GND|-- 7|-- --|-- --|-- --| 5 --|GND step_3| 6 12|-- --|13 --|GND --|19 16|is_ready step_1|26 20|step_4 GND|-- 21|step_2 ¯¯¯¯¯ The names are the same used for the vars used for the pin names in teh code. ('--' indicates that pin is not used/connected on hardware.) (step_# is used either by the stepper motor OR the dc motor. The dc only uses step_1 and step_2. Better names could be found..)
- There should be a style guide
- ...