A Vault plugin for generating credentials for Apache Kafka clients.
Generates a dynamic username and ACL that can be used to create a uniq SSL certificate for a Kafka client.
Use this in combination with the vault pki backend.
- Download the plugin to Vault's plugin directory.
- Register the plugin with Vault
vault write sys/plugins/catalog/vault-plugin-secrets-kafka \ sha_256="$SHASUM" \ command="vault-plugin-secrets-kafka"
- Enable the plugin mount
vault secrets enable -path=kafka -plugin-name=vault-plugin-secrets-kafka plugin
Configure the plugin
vault write kafka/config/access address="localhost:9092" ca_certificate="$CA" client_certificate="$CERT" client_key="$PRIVATE_KEY"
- The client must be capable of writing creating and deleting ACLs.
Write a policy
{ "acl": { "host": "*", "operation": "Read", "permission_type": "Allow" }, "resource": { "type": "Topic", "name": "*", "pattern_type_filter": "any" } }
Write the role
vault write kafka/roles/read-all-topics policy=$(cat bin/policy.json)
Read the credentials, pick the username
vault read kafka/creds/read-all-topics
Generate a SSL certificate for this client
NAME=$(vault read -field=user kafka/creds/read-all-topics) DATA=$(vault write -format=json pki/issue/kafka-clients common_name="$NAME" ttl=$TTL | jq -r .data) printf "%s" "$DATA" | jq -r .private_key > private.key printf "%s" "$DATA" | jq -r .certificate > client.cert printf "%s" "$DATA" | jq -r .issuing_ca > ca.cert