Releases: MnHebi/wgmus
VERSION 0.0.23
hook ExitProcess calls and forward them to fake_ExitProcess to make sure BASS_*Free functions are being called on exit
Currently nothing is calling fake_ExitProcess, this pull request is fixing the bug
VERSION 0.0.22
Fixed crashing on program exit, thanks to FunkyFr3sh for the fix.
Fix potential crash if any track is 0 in length, thanks to Kevin Hake for the fix.
General codebase cleanup to make the code easier to follow, and understand.
VERSION 0.0.21
Fix stop button not working.
VERSION 0.0.20
Fixes developed with Kevin Hake.
Tracks now properly pause when menu is brought up, track is now resumed properly from where it left off when coming back from the menu. Fixed occasional corruption of currentTrack value which resulted in improper music behavior. Streamlined volume setting code. Now properly handle wrong fileformat values in settings. Fixed bug where player remained active when exiting from match to main menu.
VERSION 0.0.19
Fix crash occurring due to track change in Options screen.
Do MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL only when a track actually finished now(previously it just relied on the player not being active).
Now reports errors on every play command
VERSION 0.0.18
Fixed music play dying due to unknown changes to Windows 10/Windows 11 legacy code handling.
Fixed inherent bug in my own code that resulted in player dying.
VERSION 0.0.17
Add flac support, some background code changes.
VERSION 0.0.16
Revert change in WasapiProc, resulting in bringing back a bug that was squashed earlier. Resulted in wrong playback speed, and pitch if tracks were not 48000hz.
VERSION 0.0.15
Fix options menu(main menu version, not in-game) crashing on track change due to incorrect MCI_NOTIFY_SUCCESSFUL behavior. Some minor background code changes that ensure track position are read off the decoding stream, not the mixer stream, and device inits are done only when necessary.
VERSION 0.0.14
Add BASS Mixer plugin to fix resampling music. Now music is played at the proper rate even if the music device is at 48000hz, and the music file is 44100hz.
Bug, crashes if you switch between music tracks too fast in options screen(???)
Works fine ingame for whatever reason ???