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BAMP Website Redesign

This is a repository for the upcoming BAMP Website redesign.


Bay Area Mural Program is a nonprofit organization of local artists dedicated to facilitating and creating public art.

Mission Bit

Mission Bit is a nonprofit organization that builds professional pathways for under resourced high school youth across the SF Bay Area by making computer science more accessible through free project-based courses.


Web Design Team


mental health support
  • dog


(We use SMACSS to organize the stylesheets into modules.)

PR Checklist

AKA tips for a great pull request

1. Match design doc closely

  • 💡 Tip: Take screenshots from browser & Figma and compare them
  • 💡 Tip: Use browser zoom to compare fine details
  • 💡 Tip: Spacing and font sizes can be hard to get 100% on the first pass

2. Keep HTML element semantics in mind

  • Use semantic elements where appropriate: header, footer, nav, section
  • Clickable things should be buttons
  • Navigating to another page or another spot should be hyperlinks (a)
  • Groups of things should be uls
  • Headings (h1, h2, ...) should match the document outline
  • 💡 Tip: Remember, you can always change how the element looks!

3. Remove unnecessary code

  • 💡 Tip: Make it a habit to do a refactoring pass once something works
  • The gold standard: know what every line does & why it needs to be there
    • 💡 Tip: Not sure if you need something? Remove it and see what happens!
  • In CSS, it's easy to end up with positioning rules that "add up" to the right thing (margin, padding, left, translate). Try getting it down to just one, unless there's a reason to split them up.
    • 💡 Tip: Negative margins usually point to excess positioning rules.
    • Start with what's appropriate for the element and the direction. For instance, set line-height on text and padding on containers before resorting to other methods.
  • In HTML, avoid unnecessary divs

4. Check whitespace

  • Each indentation level should have 4 extra spaces
  • Spaces before braces: .module { instead of .module{
  • 💡 Tip: GitHub and the various git clients will highlight excess whitespace
  • 💡 Tip: Read through the diff after making a PR, you will often spot things!

5. Document PRs

  • Add a screenshot if the item is visual
  • Have a brief explanation of what the PR changes or introduces
    • 💡 Tip: pretend that the reviewer isn't already familiar with the task

In truth, when making a static website, it's easy to get away with practices that aren't optimal. But it's always good to be in the habit of making your code concise and maintainable, even if it's just for yourself. In applications, it's very easy to end up with code that's difficult to maintain because the authors didn't clean up as they went along. And it's harder to do that cleanup once everything's in place, because often pieces of code will affect other pieces.

Every project we work on is a chance to hone our skills, and often that ends up being more valuable than the results!