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Javascript library for browser to S3 multipart resumable uploads

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File Upload API for AWS S3

Evaporate is a javascript library for uploading files from a browser to AWS S3, using parallel S3's multipart uploads with MD5 checksum support and control over pausing / resuming the upload.

Major features include:

  • Configurable number of parallel uploads for each part (maxConcurrentParts)
  • Configurable MD5 Checksum calculations and handling for each uploaded part (computeContentMd5)
  • AWS Signature Version 2 and 4 (awsSignatureVersion)
  • S3 Transfer Acceleration (s3Acceleration)
  • Robust recovery when uploading huge files. Only parts that have not been fully uploaded are resent. (s3FileCacheHoursAgo, allowS3ExistenceOptimization)
  • AWS Lambda function support (awsLambda)
  • Ability to pause and resume downloads at will

Browser Compatibility

Any browser that supports the JavaScript File API should be compatible. The File API, includes the FileReader object that Evaporate uses to calculate MD5 checksums through the readAsArrayBuffer method. Refer to this list of browsers that support the File API. Evaporate does not invoke the File constructor.



Evaporate is published as a Node module:

$ npm install evaporate

Otherwise, include it in your HTML:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../evaporate.js"></script>




var evaporate = new Evaporate({
  signerUrl: <SIGNER_URL>,
  aws_key: <AWS_KEY>,
  bucket: <AWS_BUCKET>,
  cloudfront: true,
  computeContentMd5: true,
  cryptoMd5Method: function (data) { return AWS.util.crypto.md5(data, 'base64'); }

var file = new File([""], "file_object_to_upload");

var file_id = evaporate.add({
        file: file,
        progress: function (progressValue) { console.log('Progress', progressValue); },
        complete: function (_xhr, awsKey) { console.log('Complete!'); },
        bucket: AWS_BUCKET // Shows that the bucket can be changed per

Configuring The AWS S3 Bucket

As of version 1.4.6, Evaporate allows changing the bucket name for each file. If multiple buckets are used, then each bucket must have the correct Policies and CORS configurations applied.

  1. Configure your S3 bucket, make sure your CORS settings for your S3 bucket looks similar to what is provided below (The PUT allowed method and the ETag exposed header are critical).

    The DELETE method is required to support aborting multipart uploads.

  2. If you are using S3 Transfer Acceleration, configure the bucket to support it as well.

  3. Determine your AWS URL for your bucket. Different regions use different URLs to access S3. By default, Evaporate uses To change the AWS Url, use option aws_url.

    Failure to use the correct AWS URL may result in CORS or other server-side failures at AWS.

  4. Configure your S3 bucket Policy to support creating, resuming and aborting multi-part uploads. The following AWS S3 policy can act as a template.

    Replace the AWS ARNs with values that apply to your account and S3 bucket organization.

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Id": "Policy145337ddwd",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::6681765859115:user/me"
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*"

    If you configure the uploader to enable the S3 existence check optimization (configuration option allowS3ExistenceOptimization), then you should add the s3:GetObject action to your bucket object statement and your S3 CORS settings must include HEAD method if you want to check for object existence on S3. Your security policies can help guide you in whether you want to enable this optimization or not.

    Here is an example of the bucket object policy statement that includes the required actions to re-use files already uploaded to S3:

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Id": "Policy145337ddwd",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": {
                    "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::6681765859115:user/me"
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::mybucket/*"
  5. Setup a signing handler on your application server (see This handler will create a signature for your multipart request that is sent to S3. This handler will be contacted via AJAX on your site by evaporate.js. You can monitor these requests by using developer tools of most browsers.

    Evaporate supports using an AWS lambda for signing. The example folder contains skeleton implementations of signing handlers implemented in several common languages.

Running the example application

The example application is a simple and quick way to see evaporate.js work. There are some basic steps needed to make it run locally:

  1. Install Google App Engine for Python found here (The example app is GAE ready and it is run using the GAE dev server)

  2. Set your AWS Key and S3 bucket in example/evaporate_example.html. This configuration does not use Md5 Digest verfication.

var _e_ = new Evaporate({
   signerUrl: '/sign_auth', # Do not change this in the example app
   aws_key: 'your aws_key here',
   bucket: 'your s3 bucket name here',
  1. Set your AWS Secret Key in example/
def get(self):
   to_sign = str(self.request.get('to_sign'))
   signature = base64.b64encode('YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY', to_sign, sha).digest())
   self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = "text/HTML"
  1. Run it! (From root of Evaporate directory). and visit 'http://localhost:8080/'
$ app.yaml


new Evaporate()

var evaporate = new Evaporate(config)

Where config minimally consists of bucket and aws_key and one of the following combinations of signing options:

  1. A custom signerUrl that returns the signture or signing response required for the specified awsSignatureVersion.
  2. A callback defined using signResponseHandler
  3. An AWS Lambda function enabled with awsLambda and awsLambdaFunction.

signerUrl is not required if using signing methods 2 or 3. signResponseHandler can also be provided for additional processing of responses from signerUrl.

Available onfiguration options:

  • bucket: the name of your bucket to which you want the files uploaded , for example ''. Note that the cloudfront option will determine where the bucket name appears in the aws_url.

  • aws_key: your AWS key, for example 'AKIAIQC7JOOdsfsdf'

  • signerUrl: a url on your application server which will sign the request according to your chosen AWS signature method (Version 2 or 4). For example ''. When using AWS Signature Version 4, this URL must respond with the V4 signing key. If you don't want to use a signerURL and want to sign the request yourself, then you sign the request using signReponseHandler.

  • computeContentMd5: default=false, whether to compute and send an MD5 digest for each part for verification by AWS S3. This option defaults to false for backward compatibility; however, new applications of Evaporate should always enable this to assure that uploaded files are exact copies of the source (copy fidelity).

  • signResponseHandler: default=null, a method that handles the XHR response with the signature. It must return the base64 encoded signature. If you set this option, Evaporate will pass the signature response it received from the signerUrl or awsLambda methods to your signResponseHandler. The method signature is function (response, stringToSign, signatureDateTime) { return 'computed signature'; }.

    signResponseHandler can be used to further process the signature returned from the call to signerUrl.

  • awsLambda: default=null, An AWS Lambda object, refer to AWS Lambda. Refer to section "Using AWS Lambda to Sign Requests" below.

  • awsLambdaFunction: default=null, The AWS ARN of your lambda function. Required when awsLambda has been specified.

  • logging: default=true, whether Evaporate outputs to the console.log - should be true or false

  • maxConcurrentParts: default=5, how many concurrent file PUTs will be attempted

  • partSize: default = 6 * 1024 * 1024 bytes, the size of the parts into which the file is broken

  • retryBackoffPower: default=2, how aggressively to back-off on the delay between retries of a part PUT

  • maxRetryBackoffSecs: default=300, the maximum number of seconds to wait between retries

  • maxFileSize: default=no limit, the allowed maximum files size, in bytes.

  • progressIntervalMS: default=1000, the frequency (in milliseconds) at which progress events are dispatched

  • aws_url: default='', the S3 endpoint URL. If you have a bucket in a region other than US Standard, you will need to change this to the correct endpoint from the AWS Region list.

    How Evaporate Determines the Default AWS Url

    Evaporate will create a virutal host that includes the bucket when cloudfront is set when it creates the default AWS url. Evaporate always creates a virtual host with S3 transfer acceleration enabled.

    1. With s3Acceleration: https://<bucket>
    2. When awsRegion is 'us-east-1':
    3. Otherwise, for any other value like 'eu-central-1':

    To use a dualstack endpoint for the 'us-east-1' region, specify aws_url like so:

    Note: If you specify your own aws_url as an S3 virtual host, then you must also explicitly set cloudfront.

  • aws_key: default=undefined, the AWS Account key to use. Required when awsSignatureVersion is '4'.

  • awsRegion: default='us-east-1', Required when awsSignatureVersion is '4'. When set, the awsRegion will help determine the default aws_url to use. See notes above for aws_url.

  • awsSignatureVersion: default='2', Determines the AWS Signature signing process version to use. Set this option to '4' for Version 4 signatures.

  • cloudfront: default=false, When true, Evaporate creates an S3 virtual host format aws_url. For example, for awsRegion 'us-east-1', the bucket appears in the path<bucket> by default but with cloudfront set, as part of the host: https://<bucket>

  • s3Acceleration: default=false, whether to use S3 Transfer Acceleration.

  • xhrWithCredentials: default=false, set the XMLHttpRequest xhr object to use credentials.

  • timeUrl: default=undefined, a url on your application server which will return a DateTime. for example '/sign_auth/time' and return a RF 2616 Date ( e.g. "Tue, 01 Jan 2013 04:39:43 GMT". See TTLabs#74.

  • cryptoMd5Method: default=undefined, a method that computes the MD5 digest according to Only applicable when computeContentMd5 is set. Method signature is function (data) { return 'computed MD5 digest of data'; } where data is a JavaScript ArrayBuffer representation of the part payload to encode. If you are using:

    • Spark MD5, the method would look like this: function (data) { return btoa(SparkMD5.ArrayBuffer.hash(data, true)); }.
    • AWS SDK for JavaScript: function (data) { return AWS.util.crypto.md5(data, 'base64'); }.
  • cryptoHexEncodedHash256: default=undefined, a method that computes the lowercase base 16 encoded SHA256 hash. Required when awsSignatureVersion is '4'.

    • AWS SDK for JavaScript: function (data) { return AWS.util.crypto.sha256(data, 'hex'); }.
  • s3FileCacheHoursAgo: default=null (no cache), whether to use the S3 uploaded cache of parts and files for ease of recovering after client failure or page refresh. The value should be a whole number representing the number of hours ago to check for uploaded parts and files. The uploaded parts and and file status are retrieved from S3. If no cache is set, Evaporate will not resume uploads after client or user errors. Refer to the section below for more information on this configuration option.

  • onlyRetryForSameFileName: default=false, if the same file is uploaded again, should a retry only be attempted if the file name matches the time that file name was previously uploaded. Otherwise the upload is resumed to the previous file name that was used.

  • allowS3ExistenceOptimization: default=false, whether to verify file existence against S3 storage. Enabling this option requires that the target S3 bucket object permissions include the s3:GetObject action for the authorized user performing the upload. If enabled, if the uploader believes it is attempting to upload a file that already exists, it will perform a HEAD action on the object to verify its eTag. If this option is not set or if the cached eTag does not match the object's eTag, the file will be uploaded again. This option is only enabled if computeContentMd5 is enabled.

  • signParams: Object. an object of key/value pairs that will be passed to all calls to the signerUrl. The value can be a function. For example:

signParams: {
    vip: true,
    username: function () { return; }
  • signHeaders: Object. an object of key/value pairs that will be passed as headers to all calls to the signerUrl.The value can be a function. For example:
signHeaders: {
    xVip: 1,
    x-user-name: function () { return; }


var upload_id = evaporate.add(config[, overrideOptions])

config is an object with 2 required keys:

  • name: String. the S3 ObjectName that the completed file will have

  • file: File. The reference to the JavaScript File object to upload.

    The upload_id identifies the file in Evaporate. If the upload_id is an Integer, Evaporate is processing the file. If the upload_id is a String, that represents an error message. In such a case, Evaporate will not upload the file. For example, if the file size violates the maxFileSize option, the method will return "File size too large. Maximum size allowed is {maxFileSize}".

And a number of optional parameters:

  • xAmzHeadersAtInitiate: Object. an object of key/value pairs that represents the x-amz-... headers that should be added to the initiate multipart upload POST request. For example, some customers need to delcare an ACL like so: {'x-amz-acl': 'public-read'}.

  • notSignedHeadersAtInitiate: Object. an object of key/value pairs that represents the headers that should be added to the initiate request but should not be included in the signing request. For example, a caching directive like this {'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600'} should be excluded.

  • xAmzHeadersAtUpload, xAmzHeadersAtComplete: Object. an object of key/value pairs that represents the x-amz-... headers that should be added to the upload PUTS and the complete POST request respectively. For example, {'x-amz-security-token':'the-long-session-token'} is needed when using temporary security credentials (IAM roles). If all AWS requests (excluding the initiate request) use the same headers, then prefer using the xAmzHeadersCommon option.

  • xAmzHeadersCommon: Object. an object of key/value pairs that represents the x-amz-... headers that should be added to all AWS requests other than the initiate request. xAmzHeadersAtUpload and xAmzHeadersAtComplete do not need to be specified if xAmzHeadersCommon satisfies the AWS header requirements.

  • started: function(upload_id). a function that will be called when the file upload starts. The upload id represents the file whose upload is being started.

  • paused: function(upload_id). a function that will be called when the file upload is completely paused (all in-progress parts are aborted or completed). The upload id represents the file whose upload has been paused.

  • resumed: function(upload_id). a function that will be called when the file upload resumes.

  • pausing: function(upload_id). a function that will be called when the file upload has been asked to pause after all in-progress parts are completed. The upload id represents the file whose upload has been requested to pause.

  • cancelled: function(). a function that will be called when a successful cancel is called for an upload id.

  • complete: function(xhr, awsObjectKey). a function that will be called when the file upload is complete. Version 1.0.0 introduced the awsObjectKey parameter to notify the client of the S3 object key that was used if the object already exists on S3.

  • info: function(msg). a function that will be called with a debug/info message, usually logged as well.

  • warn: function(msg). a function that will be called on a potentially recoverable error, and will be retried (e.g. part upload).

  • error: function(msg). a function that will be called on an irrecoverable error.

  • progress: function(p). a function that will be called at a frequency of progressIntervalMS as the file uploads, where p is the fraction (between 0 and 1) of the file that is uploaded. Note that this number will normally increase monotonically, but when a parts errors (and needs to be re-PUT) it will temporarily decrease.

  • contentType: String. the content type (MIME type) the file will have

overrideOptions, an object, when present, will override th Evaporate global configuration options for the added file only. With the exception of the following options, all other Evaporate configuration options can be overridden:

  • maxConcurrentParts
  • logging
  • cloudfront
  • encodeFilename
  • computeContentMd5,
  • allowS3ExistenceOptimization
  • onlyRetryForSameFileName
  • timeUrl
  • cryptoMd5Method
  • aws_key
  • aws_url
  • cryptoHexEncodedHash256
  • awsRegion
  • awsSignatureVersion

Returns a unique upload id for the file. This id can be used in the .pause(), .resume() and .cancel() methods.

The .add() method returns the Evaporate id of the upload to process. Use this id to abort or cancel an upload. The id is also passed as a parameter to the started() callback. If the file validation passes, this method returns an integer representing the file id, otherwise, it returns a string error message.


evaporate.pause([id[, options]])

Pauses the upload for the file identified by the upload id. If options include force, then the in-progress parts will be immediately aborted; otherwise, the file upload will be paused when all in-progress parts complete. Refer to the .paused and .pausing callbacks for status feedback when pausing.

id is the optional id of the upload that you want to pause. IF id is not defined, then all files will be paused.



Resumes the upload for the file identified by the upload id, or all files if the id is not passed. The .resumed callback is invoked when a file upload resumes.

id is the optional id of the upload to resume



id is the id of the upload to cancel


A Boolean that indicates whether the browser supports Evaporate.

Important Usage Notes

About s3FileCacheHoursAgo

When s3FileCacheHoursAgo is enabled, the uploader will create a small footprint of the uploaded file in localStorage.awsUploads. Before a file is uploaded, this cache is queried by a key consisting of the file's name, size, mimetype and date timestamp. It then verifies that the partSize used when uploading matches the partSize currenlty in use. To prevent false positives, the upload then calcuates the MD5 digest of the first part for final verification. If you specify onlyRetryForSameFileName, then a further check is done that the specified destination file name matches the destination file name used previously.

If the uploaded file has an unfinished multipart upload ID associated with it, then the uploader queries S3 for the parts that have been uploaded. It then uploads only the unfinished parts.

If the uploaded file has no open multipart upload, then the ETag of the last time the file was uploaded to S3 is compared to the Etag of what is currently uploaded. If the the two ETags match, the file is not uploaded again.

The timestamp of the last time the part was uploaded is compared against the value of a Date() calculated as s3FileCacheHoursAgo ago as a way to gauge 'freshness'. If the last upload was earlier than the number of hours specified, then the file is uploaded again.

It is still possible to have different files with the same name, size and timestamp. In this case, Evaporate calculates the checksum for the first part and compares that to the checksum of the first part of the file to be uploaded. If they differ, the file is uploaded anew.

Note that in order to determine if the uploaded file is the same as a local file, the uploader invokes a HEAD request to S3. The AWS S3 permissions to allow HEAD also allow GET (get object). This means that your signing url algorithm might want to not sign GET requests. It goes without saying that your AWS IAM credentials and secrets should be protected and never shared.

About AWS Signature Version 4

You can use AWS Signature Version 4. The signerUrl response must respond with a valid V4 signature. This version of Evaporate sends the part payload as UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD because we enable MD5 checksum calculations.

Be sure to configure Evaporate with aws_key, aws_region and cryptoHexEncodedHash256 when enabling Version 4 signatures.

AWS Signature Version 4 for more information.

AWS S3 Cleanup and Housekeeping

After you initiate multipart upload and upload one or more parts, you must either complete or abort multipart upload in order to stop getting charged for storage of the uploaded parts. Only after you either complete or abort multipart upload, Amazon S3 frees up the parts storage and stops charging you for the parts storage. Refer to the AWS Multipart Upload Overview for more information.

The sample S3 bucket policy shown above should configure your S3 bucket to allow cleanup of orphaned multipart uploads but the cleanup task is not part of Evaporate. A separate tool or task will need to be created to query orphaned multipart uploads and abort them using some appropriate heuristic.

Refer to this functioning Ruby on Rails rake task for ideas.

As of March 2016, AWS supports cleaning up multipart uploads using an S3 Lifecyle Management in which new rules are added to delete Expired and Incompletely multipart uploads. for more information, refer to S3 Lifecycle Management Update – Support for Multipart Uploads and Delete Markers.

Working with temporary credentials in Amazon EC2 instances

Using AWS Lambda to Sign Requests

You need to do a couple of things

  • Include the AWS SDK for Javascript, either directly, bower, or browserify

    <script src=""></script>
  • Create a lambda function see: signing_example_lambda.js

    The Lambda function will receive three parameters to the event; to_sign, sign_params and sign_headers.

  • Setup an IAM user with permissions to call your lambda function. This user should be separate from the one that can upload to S3. Here is a sample policy

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "Stmt1431709794000",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
  • Pass two options to the Evaporate constructor - awsLambda and awsLambdaFunction, instead of signerUrl
var evaporate = new Evaporate({
    aws_key: 'your aws_key here',
    bucket: 'your s3 bucket name here',
    awsLambda:  new AWS.Lambda({
        'region': 'lambda region',
        'accessKeyId': 'a key that can invoke the lambda function',
        'secretAccessKey': 'the secret'
    awsLambdaFunction: 'arn:aws:lambda:...:function:cw-signer' // ARN of your lambda function


EvaporateJS is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License


Javascript library for browser to S3 multipart resumable uploads






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