- Server port: 3000
- Database port: 5432
1- run [npm install] for packages installation
2- small note: you don't have to create any databases yourself, the scripts in package.json will create them for you, just follow the instructions
2- change environmental variables in .env file (note: it's better to not change DATABASE and DATABASE_TEST variables but if you want to, then you have to do this additional step: 3)
3- go to package.json, update the following scripts:
-test: replace the (udacity_store_test) database with your own test_DB name
-create_DB_test: replace (udacity_store_test) database with your own test_DB name
-create_DB: replace (udacity_store) with your own DB name
4-now you should be ready to go:
-run [npm run tsc] to build all files to js files (if it failed for any reason please create it yoursefl)
-create the dev database in postgres
-run [npm run migrations] to apply all migrations to your dev database
-run [npm run watch] to run to app on port 3000, databases will run on port 5432
- 1- first make sure you have already made the development setup steps
- 2- create your test database in postgres
- 3- run [npm run test]
- note: after running the test, test_DB will be dropped automatically. so you need to create the test_DB every time before running a test
- After creating the databases for the first time by yourself, you can use [npm run create_DB] and [npm run create_DB_test] if they were dropped for any reason.