Rust based solutions to Project Euler.
I am trying to solve the problems by only using the standard library and no external crates or other libraries.
This repository contains potential answers to the Project Euler mathematical/programming based challanges. You should not use these answers as a method of answering the questions to get meaningless internet points - that's cheating.
- 1 - Multiples of 3 and 5.
- 2 - Even fibonacci numbers.
- 3 - Largest prime factor.
- 4 - Largest palindrome product.
- 5 - Smallest multiple.
- 6 - Sum square difference.
- 7 - 10001st prime.
- 8 - Largest product in a series.
- 9 - Special pythagorean triplet.
- 10 - Summation of primes. REFACTOR - I think it took roughly 10 mins.
- 11 - Largest product in a grid.
- 12 - Highly divisible triangular number.
- 13 - Large sum.
- 14 - Longest Collatz sequence.
- 15 - Lattice paths.
- 16 - Power digit sum.
- 17 - Number letter counts.
- 18 - Maximum path sum I. - Very close.
- 19 - Counting sundays.
- 20 - Factorial digit sum.
- 21 - Amicable numbers.
- 22 - Names scores.
- 23 - Non-abundant sums.
- 24 - Lexographic permutations.