This theme is intended to act as a handy starting point for developers wishing to create a new theme for concrete5.7, utilisng the grid system from the Skeleton framework (all other styles have been removed). It includes a GridFramework class for Skeleton, to allow columns based on Skeleton to be added via concrete5's layout
The styles also include normalize.css.
To use:
- Download the zip of the starting point and rename it as per what you'd like your theme to be called, e.g. 'new_theme'
- Edit the page_theme.php file, and change the line to namespace Application\Theme\Skeleton; to namespace Application\Theme\NewTheme; (camelcase the new name of your theme)
- Also edit the path_theme.php file's getThemeName and getThemeDescription functions to customise the theme name/description
- Copy new theme into /application/themes and install via the themes section of your 5.7 install
- Edit main.css directory to customise your theme's styling
The theme includes a sass directory, containing a .scss file to generate the skeleton.css file. If you use Sass this can be use to adjust the grid to your liking, but can otherwise be ignored.