Hacking Blizzard Entertainment's Game "StarCraft II" with external methods
- Resource- Panel
Shows the current Minerals, Vespene and Supply for each player.
- Income- Panel
Shows the current income for Minerals, Vespene and Supply for each player.
- Armysize- Panel
Shows the army- value in Minerals, Vespene and Supply for each player.
- Apm- Panel
Shows the Apm and Epm for each player. (Current and Average!)
- Unit- Panel
Shows the Units and buildings for each player. Includes a Spell- counter and counter for units in production!
- Production- Panel
Shows the units, buildings and upgrades currently in production and their percentage status.
- Maphack- Panel
Shows the units and buildings on the map. Also a unit's path and the playercameras.
- Apm Alert
Shows your Apm and alerts (draws red) you if it goes below your limit.
- Clock
Shows the current time.
- Alerts
Show a dangerous unit when it's being build (can also play a sound).
- Pluginsystem
Build your own plugins depending on your need!
Sample Plugins are available!
![application] (/docs/pics/ui/application.png)
![overlays_resource] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_resource.png) ![overlays_income] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_income.png) ![overlays_worker] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_worker.png) ![overlays_army] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_army.png) ![overlays_apm] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_apm.png) ![overlays_maphack] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_maphack.png) ![overlays_units] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_units.png) ![overlays_production] (/docs/pics/ui/overlays_production.png)
![overlay] (/docs/pics/ui/various.png)
![overlay] (/docs/pics/ui/plugins.png)
![overlay] (/docs/pics/ui/debug.png)
![overlay] (/docs/pics/ui/credits.png)
![overlay] (/docs/pics/ui/benchmark.png)
![overlay] (/docs/pics/ui/helpme.png)
![apm] (/docs/pics/overlays/apm.png)
![army] (/docs/pics/overlays/army.png)
![income] (/docs/pics/overlays/income.png)
![maphack] (/docs/pics/overlays/maphack.png)
![personal_apm] (/docs/pics/overlays/personal_apm.png)
![personal_clock] (/docs/pics/overlays/personal_clock.png)
![production] (/docs/pics/overlays/production.png)
![units] (/docs/pics/overlays/units.png)
![worker_coach] (/docs/pics/overlays/worker_coach.png)
![alerts] (/docs/pics/overlays/alerts.png)
1.) Windows Environment (Win 7/8/8.1/10)
2.) .Net Framework 4.5
3.) Visual Studio 2012/ 2013
1.) .Net Framework 4.5
- What is this?
This is a tool to gather information from SC2's memory and draw overlays to display those information You gain a big advantage if used properly.
As Blizzard defines, it's a 3rd party tool therefore it's forbidden to use.
Using this tool can result in a ban from the Blizzard service "Starcraft II".
- Why would you do it?
I'm just curious what can and can not be done. I like the interaction with SCII and the drawing/ formatting of the data.
Additionally, I want to exploit the way SCII is designed. SCII sends all data to all clients.
Maphacks are possible. Such models are totally outdated and should not be used anymore.
- What about fairplay?
Since it is possible to do the things I do, there can't be a 100% of fairplay. There will always be another person to publish hacks similar to this. The lack of fairplay is Blizzard's fault.