A flutter plugin to query Android device Administrator (DevicePolicyManager) particulary Locking screen
for more info check DevicePolicyManager
Add package to your pubspec:
device_policy_manager: any # or the latest version on Pub
Inside AndroidManifest add this to bind deviceAdmin receiver with your application
<receiver android:name="device.policy.manager.DeviceAdmin" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_DEVICE_ADMIN">
<meta-data android:name="android.app.device_admin" android:resource="@xml/policies" />
<intent-filter android:exported="true">
<action android:name="android.app.action.DEVICE_ADMIN_ENABLED" />
<action android:name="android.app.action.ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLE_REQUESTED" />
<action android:name="android.app.action.ACTION_DEVICE_ADMIN_DISABLED" />
Create policies.xml
inside res/xml
and add the following code inside it:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<force-lock />
/// Return `true` if the given administrator component is currently active (enabled) in the system.
final status = await DevicePolicyManager.isPermissionGranted();
/// request administrator permission
/// it will open the adminstartor permission page and return `true` once the permission granted.
/// An optional message providing additional explanation for why the admin is being added.
await DevicePolicyManager.requestPermession("Your app is requesting the Adminstration permission");
/// Remove administration permission from the current app.
await DevicePolicyManager.removeActiveAdmin();
/// Make the device lock immediately, as if the lock screen timeout has expired at the point of this call.
/// After this method is called, the device must be unlocked using strong authentication (PIN, pattern, or password).
await DevicePolicyManager.lockNow();
/// Determine whether or not the device's cameras have been disabled for this user.
final status = await DevicePolicyManager.isCameraDisabled();