This GitHub repo is to publicly release the code of oral segmentation for oral cancer recognition. Here is a quick guide on how to install and use the repo. More information is in the official documentation.
To install the project, clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone
cd oral_segmentation
Create the virtualenv (you can also use conda) and install the dependencies of requirements.txt
python -m venv env
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
mkdir data
Download the oral coco-dataset (both images and json file) from TODO-put-link. Copy them into data
folder and unzip the file
Regarding the usage of this repo, in order to reproduce the experiments, we organize the workflow in two part: (i) data preparation and (ii) deep learning experiments.
Due to the possibility of errors in the dataset, such as missing images, run the script to detect such errors. Returns the elements to be removed from the json file (this can be done manually or via a script).
python -m scripts.check-dataset --dataset data\coco_dataset.json
In this work, the dataset was annotated with more labels than necessary. Some are grouped under more general labels. To aggregate all the labels of the three diseases studied in this work, the following script is executed. In addition, we split the dataset with the holdout method.
python -m scripts.simplify-dataset --folder data
python -m scripts.split-dataset --folder data
You can use the
script to print the class occurrences for each dataset.
python -m scripts.dataset-stats --dataset data\dataset.json # entire dataset
python -m scripts.dataset-stats --dataset data\train.json # training set
python -m scripts.dataset-stats --dataset data\test.json # test set
The training can be done using the implemented models (DeepLab, Fcn, and Unet). To launch it use the following commands.
python model.model_type={networkName}
Network name options are (default=fcn):
- fcn
- deeplab
- unet
To log metrics on tensorboard add (default=false):
Only for unet, replace encoderName with efficientnet-b7 or resnet50 add (default=efficientnet-b7):
For multiclass train add (default=1):
The test can recover any train version thanks to the saved checkpoints. The checkpoints have to be placed into ./logs/oral/
Pretrained weights can be downloaded here both for testing and ensemble experiments.
Unzip and copy the checkpoint folders in ./logs/oral/
python checkpoints.version={version number/network_name}
Network name options are:
Binary train:
- fcn_bin
- deeplab_bin
- unet_eff_bin
- unet_res_bin
Multiclass train:
- fcn_mul
- deeplab_mul
- unet_eff_mul
- unet_res_mul
To change the threshold in binary case add (default 0.5):
This type of test is able to recover 4 different checkpoints.
To change results aggregation add (default dec_fus=median, type_aggr=soft, num_classes=1):
ensemble.dec_fus={decisionFunction} ensemble.type_aggr={hard/soft} model.num_classes={1/3}
To change the default checkpoints in binary case add:
ensemble.check_fcn_bin={name/number} ensemble.check_dl_bin={name/number} ensemble.check_unet_eff_bin={name/number} ensemble.check_unet_res_bin={name/number}
To change the default checkpoints in multiclass case add:
ensemble.check_fcn_mul={name/number} ensemble.check_dl_mul={name/number} ensemble.check_unet_eff_mul={name/number} ensemble.check_unet_res_mul={name/number}
Decision function options are:
- median
- mean
- max
- min
- product
- mv # for majority voting only with ensemble.type_aggr=hard
- weight # for weighted max only in multiclass case and ensemble.type_aggr=soft
To view the tensorboard log start the server with the following command and connect to localhost:6006
python -m tensorboard.main --logdir=logs