MaoQoS is a extended funtion to config queue resources of Open vSwitch(OVS) device, in a dynamical and fine-grained way.
MaoQoS consist of five parts:
MaoQoS_ONOS_Core_Subsystem: QoS Core SubSystem in ONOS.
MaoQoS_OVS_QoS_Agent: QoS southbound protocol agent.
MaoQoS_ONOS_Application_ToS: sample application, Service Level Agreement(SLA) for Web, Videa Stream and SSH services.
MaoQoS_ONOS_Application_Tenant: sample application, tenant isolation in NFV scenario.
MaoQoS_OVS_module_technology_test: technology test for the development of OVS QoS agent.
based on Linux TC, ONOS and OVS
MaoQoS ONOS Core Subsystem, Private repository.