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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 2, 2023. It is now read-only.

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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

flag:breaking change ⚠️
flag:breaking change :warning:
This PR brings in breaking changes
flag:duplicate 👬
flag:duplicate :two_men_holding_hands:
This issue or pull request already exists
flag:help wanted 💪
flag:help wanted :muscle:
Extra attention is needed
flag:invalid 🗑️
flag:invalid :wastebasket:
This doesn't seem right
flag:question 🤔
flag:question :thinking:
Further information is requested
flag:wontfix ✖️
flag:wontfix :heavy_multiplication_x:
This will not be worked on
priority:critical 🔥
priority:critical :fire:
This is a critical priority task. Handle it as soon as possible
priority:low ❄️
priority:low :snowflake:
This is a low priority task. Handle it when there is nothing else to do
type:bug 🪲
type:bug :beetle:
Something isn't working
type:dependencies 🔧
type:dependencies :wrench:
Pull requests that update a dependency file
type:documentation 📚
type:documentation :books:
Improvements or additions to documentation
type:feature 🚀
type:feature :rocket:
Good for newcomers
type:meta 🦄
type:meta :unicorn:
This not related to the code
type:refactor ✏️
type:refactor :pencil2:
This is a refactoring task. It should not change the data schemes