Vaadin Spreadsheet is a UI component add-on for Vaadin 7 which provides means to view and edit Excel spreadsheets in Vaadin applications.
This Add-on is distributed under Commercial Vaadin Add-on License version 3 (CVALv3). For license terms, see LICENSE.txt.
Vaadin Spreadsheet is written by Vaadin Ltd.
- Clone the project in GitHub (or fork it if you plan on contributing)
- To build and install the project into the local repository run mvn install in the root directory
- To run the UI used for development, run mvn jetty:run in vaadin-spreadsheet directory, navigate to http://localhost:9998/SpreadsheetDemoUI
- To set up SuperDevMode, run mvn vaadin:run-codeserver in vaadin-spreadsheet. You need to have the UI jetty running as well, then navigate to http://localhost:9998/SpreadsheetDemoUI/?superdevmode