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Assignments 2015

Pavel Kryukov edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 22 revisions

Assignments in 2015

Before you start

  • It's recommended to run your code on our server. Here is an instruction how to connect.
  • We're using Git for version control. Our Git cheat sheet will help you with Git usage.
  • You have to follow our code guidelines. Don't violate them!
  • We suggest you to read literature to improve your skills. You are free to use any other source of information, not only presented by us.

List of assignments

Issue date and deadline Assignment Skills required
1 Oct — 17 Oct A1: Implementation of functional memory model

In this assignment you will implement the main interfaces of the functional memory. They include initialization from a MIPS executable file in the ELF format, reading/writing data and others.

*Programming technology skills:*

Read about Revision control and Git.

Read first two chapters of "Teach Yourself C++" by Herbert Schildt:

  • 1. An Overview of C++
  • 2. Introducing Classes

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