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Translates MAEC 5.0 Packages into STIX 2.1 Bundles.


More specifically, version 1.0 translates the following:

  • MAEC Malware Instance (malware-instance) objects and Malware Family (malware-family) objects into STIX Malware (malware) objects.
  • MAEC AV classifications (x-maec-avclass) into STIX malware-analysis SDOs.
  • MAEC analysis metadata (analysis-metadata), static features (static-features), and dynamic features (dynamic-features) into STIX malware-analysis SDOs.
  • MAEC Relationships into STIX Relationships.


This library may be used in one of two ways: programmatically, or as a commandline tool. Some additional functionality is available if the python-stix2 library is installed, and it supports STIX 2.1.

Note that this library isn't designed to validate MAEC content. It mostly assumes the content is correct. If it isn't, results are unpredictable. Exceptions might be thrown, or some components of the MAEC package could be silently dropped in the translation. The results might not be what you expect.

Commandline Usage

usage: maec2stix [-h] [-o OUT] [-e ENCODING] [-n] in

Translates MAEC 5.0 packages to STIX 2.1 bundles.

positional arguments:
  in           Path to file with a MAEC package (as JSON) to translate. Use
               "-" to read from stdin.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  -o OUT       Path to file to write the translated STIX to (as JSON).
               (Default: write to stdout)
  -e ENCODING  Encoding to use for reading/writing files (Default: utf8). Does
               not apply to stdin/out.
  -n           Don't parse the translated STIX bundle using the stix2 library.
               Only applicable when that library is installed. Otherwise, the
               option is ignored.

The commandline tool is named maec2stix, and may be used for testing and experimentation. It reads a MAEC package and writes a STIX bundle.

Programmatic Usage

Two public functions are available in the maec2stix.translator package:

  • translate_package(): accepts a MAEC package as a dict (parsed JSON) and returns a STIX 2.1 bundle as a dict (which may be serialized to JSON if desired).
  • translate_package_to_object(): same as above, but returns a python-stix2 Bundle object. If python-stix2 isn't installed, this function just raises an exception. If the installed python-stix2 library doesn't support STIX 2.1, it's likely to fail to process the bundle data, and a variety of errors could result.


This tool performs the following translation from MAEC 5.0 into the STIX 2.1 Malware and Malware Analysis SDOs (based on the STIX 2.1 SDOs as of 1/23/2020):

  • MAEC 5.0 Package --> STIX 2.1 Bundle
    • MAEC Malware Instance Object --> STIX Malware SDO
    • MAEC Malware Family Object --> STIX Malware SDO
    • MAEC Malware Action Object --> STIX Malware Analysis SDO
    • MAEC Analysis Metadata Type --> STIX Malware Analysis SDO
    • MAEC Static Features Type --> STIX Malware Analysis SDO
    • MAEC Dynamic Features Type --> STIX Malware Analysis SDO
    • MAEC External Reference Type --> STIX External Reference Type
    • MAEC AV Classification Extension --> STIX AV Results Type
    • MAEC Binary Obfuscation Type --> STIX Malware SDO
    • MAEC Relationships --> STIX Relationships

Accordingly, the following major MAEC 5.0 objects and features are not translated in this release:

  • Top-level Objects
    • Behaviors
    • Collections
  • Types/Features
    • OS Features (Malware Instance)
    • Triggered Signatures (Malware Instance)
    • Process Tree (Dynamic Features)
    • Development Environment (Static Features)
    • Configuration Parameters (Static Features)
Object/Property Mappings

The following table provides details on the object/property mappings between MAEC 5.0 and the STIX 2.1 Malware SDO, as performed by the translator:

MAEC Object MAEC Type MAEC Property STIX Malware Type STIX Malware Property
Malware Instance --- labels --- malware_types
Malware Instance --- name --- name
Malware Instance --- aliases --- aliases
Malware Instance --- description --- description
Malware Instance field-data first_seen --- first_seen
Malware Instance field-data last_seen --- last_seen
Malware Instance --- architecture_execution_envs --- architecture_execution_envs
Malware Instance --- instance_object_refs --- sample_refs
Malware Instance --- capabilities --- capabilities
Malware Instance binary-obfuscation non-"packing" obfuscation methods + encryption algorithms --- labels
Malware Family --- labels --- malware_types
Malware Family --- name --- name
Malware Family --- aliases --- aliases
Malware Family --- description --- description
Malware Family --- references --- external_references
Malware Family field-data first_seen --- first_seen
Malware Family field-data last_seen --- last_seen
Malware Family --- common_capabilities --- capabilities
Malware Family --- common_code_refs --- sample_refs

The following table provides details on the object/property mappings between MAEC 5.0 and the STIX 2.1 Malware Analysis SDO, as performed by the translator:

MAEC Type MAEC Property STIX Malware Analysis Property
analysis-metadata tool_refs[0].name or "unknown" product
analysis-metadata start_time analysis_started
analysis-metadata end_time analysis_ended
analysis-metadata tool_refs + analysis_environment.installed-software installed_software_refs
analysis-metadata conclusion result
analysis-metadata analysis_environment.operating-system operating_system_ref
analysis-metadata host_vm_ref
static-features certificates + file_headers analysis_sco_refs
dynamic-features action_refs.output_object_refs + network_traffic_refs analysis_sco_refs
x-maec-avclass av_vendor or "unknown" product
x-maec-avclass av_version version
x-maec-avclass av_engine_version analysis_engine_version
x-maec-avclass av_definition_version analysis_definition_version
x-maec-avclass scan_date analysis_started, analysis_ended
x-maec-avclass is_detected result

Static, dynamic, and x-maec-avclass analysis metadata/features produce distinct STIX Malware Analysis SDOs, and are related to Malware SDOs in the following ways:

MAEC Analysis Type STIX Relationship Type
static static-analysis-of
dynamic dynamic-analysis-of
x-maec-avclass av-analysis-of
Vocabulary Mappings
MAEC malware-label-ov --> STIX malware-type-ov
MAEC Vocabulary Value STIX Vocabulary Value
adware adware
backdoor backdoor
bot bot
ddos ddos
dropper dropper
exploit-kit exploit-kit
keylogger keylogger
ransomware ransomware
remote-access-trojan remote-access-trojan
resource-exploiter resource-exploitation
rogue-security-software rogue-security-software
rootkit rootkit
screen-capture screen-capture
spyware spyware
trojan trojan
virus virus
worm worm
MAEC analysis-conclusion-ov --> STIX malware-av-result-ov
MAEC Vocabulary Value STIX Vocabulary Value
benign benign
malicious malicious
suspicious suspicious
indeterminate unknown

Relationship Mappings

MAEC Relationship STIX Relationship
malware-instance variant-of malware-instance malware variant-of malware
malware-instance variant-of malware-family malware variant-of malware
malware-instance-1 dropped-by malware-instance-2 malware-2 drops malware-1
malware-instance-1 dropped-by malware-family-2 malware-2 drops malware-1
malware-instance derived-from malware-instance malware derived-from malware
malware-instance derived-from malware-family malware derived-from malware
malware-instance related-to malware-instance malware related-to malware
malware-instance related-to malware-family malware related-to malware
malware-instance-1 downloaded-by malware-instance-2 malware-2 downloads malware-1
malware-instance-1 downloaded-by malware-family-2 malware-2 downloads malware-1


Translates MAEC 5.0 to STIX 2.1






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