go-iterror is a package for manage HTTP errors which provides flexibility to use and customize.
go get github.com/M9nood/go-iterror
package main
import (
iterror "github.com/M9nood/go-iterror"
func main() {
err := iterror.NewError(iterror.BadRequestException, "Invalid Request")
fmt.Println("error code :", err.GetCode())
// error code : 400
fmt.Println("error http :", err.GetHttpCode())
// error http : 400
fmt.Println("error name :", err.GetName())
// error name : BadRequestException
fmt.Println("error message :", err.Error())
// error message : Invalid Request
errCustom := iterror.NewErrorCustomHttpCode(iterror.BadRequestException, 200, "Invalid Request")
fmt.Println("error custom code :", errCustom.GetCode())
// error custom code : 400
fmt.Println("error custom http :", errCustom.GetHttpCode())
// error custom http : 200
fmt.Println("error custom name :", errCustom.GetName())
// error custom name : BadRequestException
fmt.Println("error custom message :", errCustom.Error())
// error custom message : Invalid Request
"400" - BadRequestException
"401" - UnauthorizedException
"403" - ForbiddenException
"404" - NotFoundException
"408" - RequestTimeoutException
"409" - ConflictException
"429" - ManyRequestException
"500" - InternalServerErrorException
func NewError(errCode string, msg string) *ErrorInfo
func NewErrorCustomHttpCode(errCode string, httpCode int, msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorBadRequest(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorUnauthorized(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorForbidden(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorNotFound(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorRequestTimeout(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorConflict(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorManyRequest(msg string) *ErrorInfo
func ErrorInternalServer(msg string) *ErrorInfo
In a project structure example as
|_ controller
| |_ sample.go
|_ service
| |_ sample.go
|_ main.go
|_ go.mod
|_ go.sum
package service
import (
iterror "github.com/M9nood/go-iterror"
func GetSampleService() (string, iterror.ErrorException) {
// do something
err := iterror.NewError(iterror.BadRequestException, "Invalid data")
if err != nil {
return "", err
return "Sample data", nil
package controller
import (
func GetSampleHandler(c echo.Context) error {
sample, err := service.GetSampleService()
if err != nil {
// can use err.GetCode() for get error code
return c.JSON(err.GetHttpCode(), err)
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, sample)
package main
import (
func main() {
e := echo.New()
e.GET("/", controller.GetSampleHandler)